Top Gear in Argentina, A Little Detail

There are 9 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 2,264 times. The latest Post () was by Splinter.

  • Most of us probably know about the Top Gear Christmas special filmed in Argentina. Of course, that episode got drowned out by the controversy over the number plate one of the presenters had on the car.

    As a casual Top Gear watcher I recently re-watched the episode. What struck me, aside form it being a medicore special, is that none of the presenters seemed to love Argentina. All the other countries they visit on specials (including Bolivia) they are often amazed and stress just how beautiful the country/people are.

    There we far fewer instances of this in the Argentina special, and they even had a dig at Bariloche. Has anybody else seen it and noticed this? I am not talking about the voice over narration as that could be biased after what happened to them, but instead the parts where they are in Argentina. All three look like they would rather be anywhere else.

    I find this odd because for all the failings of this country, it is spectaculalry beautiful.

  • All stage managed from what I've read. Silly arses.

    What happened in with them attacked was stage managed? This is demonstrably not true there are people here who have no affiliation with the show or the BBC who have confirmed it did happen.

    The whole show itself stage managed? Absolutley, which would only make it more odd to me that they seemed to have a little indifference towards Argentina.

    • Official Post

    I watched that episode and subsequent ones where Clarkson never fails to make himself look like a complete ignorant dick by calling Argentina, amongst other things, the cesspit of the world.

    He did it again in the recent series, which is dire by the way and quite frankly, how Amazon still retain them is anybody's guess.

    To plead complete ignorance about this registration number, which they did by the way, saying it was a 'complete coincidence', is crossing the line and they deserved every nastiness that they received. K or no K.

    Frankly, and I speak as a fervent non-pc person, they're just not funny any more. In fact I'd go further by saying that that they're just cringe-worthy and embarrassing now.

  • I watched that episode and subsequent ones where Clarkson never fails to make himself look like a complete ignorant dick by calling Argentina, amongst other things, the cesspit of the world.

    He did it again in the recent series, which is dire by the way and quite frankly, how Amazon still retain them is anybody's guess.

    To plead complete ignorance about this registration number, which they did by the way, saying it was a 'complete coincidence', is crossing the line and they deserved every nastiness that they received. K or no K.

    Frankly, and I speak as a fervent non-pc person, they're just not funny any more. In fact I'd go further by saying that that they're just cringe-worthy and embarrassing now.

    The new concept started off well (Top Gear I mean) and just moprhed into a sitcom, only largely unfunny. That has been increased with the new Amazon show, which I only watched two of. That said, I have been watching it since I was 19 years old so still put Top Gear on occaisionally.

    While I would agree they deserved what happened, you poke the lion you may get attacked, but it was also pathetic on the part of the attackers.

    However, my point was more about why they seem to be indifferent to Argentina in the show, not after the fact. They start in Bariloche and seem to just not like the place or country. During the same show, they sing the praises of Chile.

  • What happened in with them attacked was stage managed? This is demonstrably not true there are people here who have no affiliation with the show or the BBC who have confirmed it did happen.

    The whole show itself stage managed? Absolutley, which would only make it more odd to me that they seemed to have a little indifference towards Argentina.

    Stage managed or not it was great publicity for the show.

    Shame really as it could have been a fantastic episode if they'd done it right.

  • However, my point was more about why they seem to be indifferent to Argentina in the show, not after the fact. They start in Bariloche and seem to just not like the place or country. During the same show, they sing the praises of Chile.

    I agree. If they have a Falklands grudge or something else against Argentina, they should have skipped it and chosen another country.

  • Nothing to do with Argentina, but since Freddie Flintoff's accident last December, the show has been paused until further notice.

    Here are some of the stunts the lads got up to, so it's hardly surprising that things would go wrong eventually.

    Freddie Flintoff ‘voiced safety worries’ about Top Gear stunt before ‘horrific’ crash
    Cricketer was involved in an accident while filming last December