Posts from GlasgowJohn in thread „Argentina elections 2023“

    An excuse to say that the economic crisis and state of the country is nothing to do with us.

    It was Macris's fault....

    It was the drought ....

    It was the pandemic...

    It was all those bloody expats eating in fancy places....

    But now it is Putin's fault and the Civil War in Russia

    Money going back to the party bigwigs?

    Never a truer word.

    Last week, I was chatting with a mate who imports food and drink. As everyone know there are few import licenses for expensive products. However for a small brown envelope, the civil servants will help you out.

    But now they are asking for two envelopes - one for the big lads upstairs and one for them to help pay their electricity bill....

    This 'surprise' announcement is related to the IMF in more ways than one, even though CFK is and always has been anti-IMF.

    Also, Wado and Manzur as candidates would have meant an almost definite loss for the UP DOWN party.

    I always reckoned on Massa being the candidate, but the big question is - will he be CFK's puppet just like Alberto is?

    That is, if he is elected...he's a well known pancake/flip flop.

    Good point , Splinter .

    He will be no puppet that's for sure.

    But he changes sides on a fairly regular basis within the current government setup.

    He has done a decent job at stabilizing things when the dollar threatened to go through the roof. But inflation has got a lot worse.

    He will be hoping for a civil war in Russia , to give him another excuse ....

    When it looked as if the government candidate was going to be De Pedro, a last-minute meeting between CFK and Massa changed everything.

    Massa is the main man apparently .

    But maybe we should hang on until the submission of the final lists is over.

    Interesting to see that Larreta has picked Morales from Jujuy as his VP candidate.

    Here in the US, someone merely MARRIED TO a criminal probably wouldn’t get votes. But a real first-hand criminal? If not elected, would at least use the indictment to raise money! 😱😵‍💫🤪

    Rice , you might not recall but Piparo was shot by some chorros coming out of a back about 11 or 12 years ago when she was 8 and a half months pregnant. The birth of the baby was induced but he only lived for a week.

    Her husband tried to run over some motochorros in January 2021 in a separate incident and the testimonies of all involved are very contradictory. They were convinced that they were being attacked and she said her phone and her purse were stolen . However, there seems to be some dubiety about the story they told.

    May be an image of 2 people and text that says

    Pretty direct political poster

    Wada de Pedro says , " I am from the Generation of Hope!"

    The next photo says,

    Paula Lambruschini also had hope until she bumped into your mother who then killed her.

    If it is possible to judge a person through his face, this Wado de Pedro does not seems very smart and intelligent.

    his only merit seems to be a son of a terrorist women who was killed for that, she killed before an innocent girl.

    I think our friend Wado got a bit of cash from the government because his terrorist mother was killed in a clash with the army .

    250,000 dollars I understand. A bloody disgrace!

    Did the families of the people she killed get any cash? Not a peso......

    I used to visit Venezuela 4/6 times a year in the eighties.

    The country was in great shape - I have some tremendous memories of nights out in Caracas .

    What happened ?

    The right wing parties in power were to busy fighting each other taht they let Chaves come to power believing he wouldnt last . Unfortunately they didnt read the whole book and the country is now controlled by drug tarffickers who support the Head Bus Driver.

    Argentina is ina mess and it couldnt happen here.

    surely ...

    ok maybe ....

    ok lets vote for Milei.

    He seems to be fairly right-wing in his economic viewpoint. Keen on reducing subsidies and getting people to work for any money the government gives them.

    Eurnekian likes to control all new political movements to make sure his back is covered in case they were to win an election.

    Milei worked for a time at AA2000, the company that manages the concession at almost all of Argentina's airports.

    I know a few guys there and when I ask what Milei did there, they tell me he was a "consultant"

    Knowing my friend Eurnekian he will be reaching out to all the other parties as well.