Posts from hairyscotsman in thread „US Presidential Elections 2020“

    As someone who lives in the UK but takes a big interest in world politics i sincerely hope Trump is re elected.

    I must admit initially i thought he was put up as only someone as bad as him with his statements etc wouls allow the disgusting criminal hilary clinton to win.

    I think it was a show of just how how much the clintons/bush were hated in America...lets forget republican/democrat....there is so little between the policies that the traditional left and right as both parties are so down the middle...and both controlled behind the scenes from certain elements..

    Trump for all his faults and he has many i think at least has the balls to try and show the criminality that is going on in America and american politics....the media have despised him and lie and mis report at every opportunity....

    Biden leading by a big margin in the polls is for me a sad play at getting trump supporters to admit defeat and not vote....hardly an original play in politics.

    What is disgusting is the way the virus is being used esp by the democrats....and to be fair postal voting is not required...if you can go out shopping etc..then you can vote.