Posts from Rice in thread „Mushrooms“

    Marks & Spencer’s food hall was where I went, as a student, to try some of your strange foods, like steak & kidney pie. I don’t think haggis was on offer there at that time. But I probably wouldn’t have had the, um, stomach to try it.

    OK, @serafinaalready had me thinking of mushrooms, and now you’ve added sardines to my drooling daydreaming, UK Man. It’s still a long way until lunchtime but now my stomach is begging for food.

    Sardines with mustard on saltines and sautéed mushrooms would do the trick quite nicely.

    Love sardines, but I always think mustard rather than garlic butter. With that and your empanadas recipe, you sound like an adventurous cook.

    Is garlic a big part of Argentines’ home cooking? It is integral in many Italian sauces, isn’t it? I don’t notice it very much in restaurant food.

    Thanks for the tips on removing its killer strength, serafina. That’s a really useful thing to know.