Posts from serafina in thread „Diversity in the US vs. France“

    Several media outlets have 'celebrated' the victory of France in the FIFA World Cup with ironic references to being an 'African team' or an 'African victory' and not a French one. Trevor Noah, a US TV presenter, made a joke saying that Africa won the World Cup.

    The Ambassador to France in the United States issued a letter to Mr. Noah giving him a lesson on real integration. In my humble opinion, and a few trips to the States, I have always noticed how 'forced' is the concept of integration in the US, despite their efforts to self-proclaim themselves a country that welcome diversity.

    When looking for a home, real estate listing give numerous stats including the ethnicity of the neighborhood. I found it odd and quite alarming, and not really a sign of integration. Indeed, of segregation.

    Back on topic, Mr. Noah replied that his jokes celebrates African-ness... a classic show of politically correctness the American-way. To me, it only makes the matter worse. But I guess Mr. Noah is sure he saved his face, and the French are sure he can't still grasp the difference.

    As a FB user put it in this thread:


    I wish that we, in the United States, would stop using hyphens to define people. We are all Americans and should be referred to that way - not African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, etc.
