Posts from Carlos in thread „Marcelo Gallardo's statue sparks mockery“

    The sculptor is clearly not a fan of the Classical Greek Sculptor Polykleitos who believed in sculpting the perfect ratio and proportions of the human form.

    Other bad taste of this sculpture is the exxagerated size of some parts of the male body that normally are hidden for reasons of decency. I imagine that I do not need to be more specific.

    Carlos How far do your interests extend? Have you any interest in the architectural works of Oscar Niemeyer?

    Yes, I am interested but I think that all Niemeyer works are for a particular place like BRAZIL and its tropical landscape,

    It does not fit with the argentnean landscape. too much formal strenght. that said, I cannot be against his undoubt merit.

    The sculptor is clearly not a fan of the Classical Greek Sculptor Polykleitos who believed in sculpting the perfect ratio and proportions of the human form.

    Art has become today anything, just an idea is a work if art, especially in Modern art. No people understand the notion of proportion, which is confused with notion of size. for this issue I recommend to see 'WHY BEAUTY MATTERS' a video of Sir Robert Scruton. and famed 'so called artists' are fueled by some lobbies to make propaganda.