Posts from bebopalula in thread „The ways of Argentinians“

    If it is a new car, doesn't it have a dash-cam that can be left in sentry mode when the car is parked and the alarms are armed? If it doesn't have a dash-cam, front-and-back systems which can be fitted yourself have become very affordable.

    To be honest, the neighbour problem sounds to me like people-problems more than Argentina problems and I imagine they could happen anywhere that people are living close together. Based on my own experience, I wonder if the dog problems are symptoms rather than the cause? We had a dog which did all those things and a vet's diagnosis - in our case, of diabetes - lead to a change of diet and twice-daily insulin injections but a happier, quieter and more continent animal. The sight never came back but a few changes around the house helped to restore a lot of the missing confidence.