Posts from Carlos in thread „The Falklands invasion - 40 years ago.“

    This ridiculous Forergn Minister is the worst that we ever had in all Argentine History. I recall that in 1938 we had as a Foreign Minister Dr Carlos Saavedra Lamas, who won the Nobel Prize for his intervention in the Bolivian-Paraguay war of 1936. Mr Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the US, remained resented beause he also wished to have the Nobel Prize,

    Cafiero is the opposite of a cultured diplomat. Unable to speak any other language than Spanish (and I suspect with many mistakes as well).Also looking how he uses the fork and knife in a dinner, you can have a significant opinion about his manners.

    With this kind of people we shall have a minimal approach with the islanders? I am not that naive.

    This issue is very sensitive to me, as an argentinean. THe first question that I can see is that half of the library says Falklands are fro UK and the other half says that are from Argentina. I an not an expert, therefore I cannot decide, altough there is a question which I demand is why we never accepted to put the issue in the International Court of Justice? Why we, after April 2nd 1982, we do not accepted the Haig proposal with the three flags inside? Why we did not undestand that going to fight with a great power, winner of the last two World Wars, we engaged in misfortune?

    I remember that in those days many countries of Europe were concerned about the presence of Nuclear weapons, meanwhile Mrs Thatcher was the only one which said that nuclear weapons must stay in the UK. With those antecedents, why our "clever" diplomacy assumed that UK will not react to a military move?

    Well, the plain fact is that we lost the war, and the last day homages to the fallen and stories about the Islands have me fed up.

    I will quote an example: Denmark, which is now considered one of the most advanced countries of the world, had swallowed defeat since many centuries.

    Let's go back to History: In the X Century they had to withdraw from England (remember The Danelaw?): then in the XVI century they lost Sweden and then Norway. and the last setback was losing the Schleswig Holstein province, occupied by Germany under Bismarck. Therefore they are accustomed to lose. They have accepted to be losers.

    This speaks about a people which has reached good sense and maturity, a thing that I see it lacks in my own country.

    Be aware that if I say this among my countrymen I will be considered an obnoxious person, traitor, coward or whatsoever they want. But this insistence in the Malvinas Falklands issue only produces resentment, sadness and desire of vengeance, that of course cannot be performed.

    I see that we need good sense, and get an agreement with the islanders and keep together the surveillance of the South Atlantic, now invaded by chinese fishing fleets.

    This statement in any way is an insult to those who died or were injured in the 1982 war. (Both sides).

    Mere good sense, that's all.