Posts from Bombonera in thread „Inflation in Argentina“

    What's the "Kit Kat Index" at presently?

    El Presidente has fore-warned of the pain before gain but here are 2 things I'm thinking about...

    There's a lot of deep-rooted political beliefs and thinking embedded in the people from nearly 100 hundred years of economic decay, corruption and lord know what else you might add to the list. Improvements in this psyche will lag well behind any changes Milei makes. He has a job to do to communicate with the Argentine people every step of the way to get and keep them on board before the Argentine psyche can catch up.

    More immediately...18% of workers are employed in the public sector. (I'm citing a convenient Google search resource that may or may not be correct for that). How often and to what quantum will their wages increase to keep step with these immediate inflationary measures? They were already pissed off before Milei came into office and so what now for them as he merges and trims down the various state departments and living costs erode the value of their salaries at an even faster rate?