Posts from Rice in thread „Driving in Argentina“

    Just read an article about the current car/bike/pedestrian laws in the UK.

    In short, the hierarchy is from smallest down to largest.

    While we may find some of the new driving rules unnecessary, unfair, or crazy, at least there is a set of rules governing the roads (and opening doors when parked). Does Argentina have similar regulations that everyone can access and abide by?

    Yesterday at a traffic light crossing in New Orleans, I almost stepped into the path of a fast-moving, lane filtering bicycle whose rider had decided the red light didn’t apply to him.

    I remember the motto in the US courts: "Equal justice under law"

    “Equal Justice under the law” primarily means that two people tried for the same crime would receive the same treatment, be they pauper or President.

    But in traffic situations, the prevailing motto is “The pedestrian has the right of way.” This would cover the cartoneros, even when they are walking against the traffic in the street.