Posts from serafina in thread „Argentina weather“

    How are the mosquitos? Are they easing off?

    We went out to Zona Norte hoping to visit a natural reserve. We were unsuccessful in our attempt, but there were a few. None in sight in Capital, though (but I live in an area with little vegetation, to be honest).

    First natural reserve we tried to visit was Reserva Natural Radio Nacional. My husband read about it on La Nación, but when we arrived we were told that it is not open to the public, it only works as the HQ of the national radio station. :facepalm:

    Second one was Rincón Milberg in Tigre, but it was flooded so it was not accessible.

    Third one was Reserval Natural in San Fernando. Open to the public, but it is just a strip of grass with some trees and there was a strong wind, which made our visit under 15'.

    On a side account, I have seen plenty of OFF repellent cans at El Jevi kiosko across the street.

    Got soaked yesterday while out with the missus. Then to top it all off I stood in floodwater at the side of the road up to my ankles. My Hush Puppies got ruined. ^^

    Was it always so rainy here? My old Burberry boots are no longer water-resistant when walking in water. They are okay just to walk under the rain. I am wondering if I should get them fixed / get new ones

    We have a family b-day on Monday, so today we have been invited for tea, instead. However, my terrace is infested with mosquitos and I am not eager to spend an afternoon in my brother-in-law garden if I am the banquet!

    The National weather forecast service is forecasting winds over 70 km/h for tonight. I am not sure I am going to classes tonight. I am VERY afraid of flying stuff in windy conditions, not to mention the damages to my car.

    You are indeed lucky! The front seems to be sitting on top of CABA and not moving too much.

    I confirm we're having plenty of shower here. Ironically, in my building there is no water, but I can simply go out on the terrace to get some

    I knew it was gonna rain last night when I went to school at 5 PM, but I wasn't expecting that much rain by the time we went out at 9 PM. It was pouring down like crazy, with strong wind. The rain drops in the street lights seemed a swarm of angry bees.

    My husband came to pick me up, but he misjudged the weather and came with the old car where the windshield sweepers are not working. It was like being inside of a shower cabinet. Furthermore, the water is even seeping in because the car outer shell is oxidized (this was grandma's car, who lived in front of the ocean in Mar del Plata, so the car is heavily worn down). My husband has to keep it because of the succession still going on (the car is registered to 4 heirs, who are in a fight so it can't be sold), and he'd rather use it for heavy works ( Splinter and Rice have met this car!) or to go out in the city because of bumps and hits.

    When I crossed the street to reach the car, the water on the ground was a stream so tall that it went up to my ankle. Luckily, I was wearing sandals, although not rubber one. I hope my Birkenstock survived the water, as they are wuite pricey.

    Just had my first mosquito bite after the heavy rains. Somehow the b*** survived the storm (no way it was born in 2 days). Just a heads-up in case I disappear from the forum!

    Without a doubt . They disappeared just before the 5-day rain spell . Are they dead or just sleeping?

    According to this expert, they will be back in swarms in about two weeks.

    “Lo que podemos esperar es que en los próximos 10 a 14 días tengamos una alta cantidad de mosquitos porque es lo que justamente dura su ciclo de vida –amplió–. En dos semanas vamos a ver un aumento de la población de mosquitos adultos y si consideramos que cada vez hay más personas con dengue, habrá más posibilidad de que mosquitos Aedes aegypti piquen a personas que están cursando la enfermedad. Entonces, vamos a tener más mosquitos portadores del virus con más posibilidad de contagiar.”

    Curiously, on an Airbnb host group on Facebook, someone was asking for help because a guest complained that rain got in in their apartment and wanted to be relocated. The replies from other hosts is that it is common and happens to all of them.

    Even the apartment where we live now (about 10 years old) had rain coming in when it was raining. My husband fixed it in 5' when we took over the apartment.

    I don't understand why people here think that it is okay to get rain INTO the house when it is raining. 4000 years worth of civilization, people...

    My fern is thriving in this weather. The wisteria is growing like crazy. We won't have any flower this year because it was planted late in summer, but I am impressed by the rate it grows! We didn't plant any in the past because it wasn't available at the local plant shop. As soon as I spotted ONE (the first and last one) I had to buy it.

    Same here now, was 14c when I got up to let the dogs out. All very autumnal with all the brown leaves lying about after last night's howling wind.

    This is horrible! I was just getting ready for more summer vacation. Instead, schools have begun and traffic is horrendous again in the city, my classes will begin in two weeks, and boredom is far from started here.

    Up earlier than usual this morning due to thunderstorms which as usual set Grey off wailing. Pretty intense they are too so be warned as I suspect they're heading for the capital.

    I woke up at around 8 am and the sky was black, the wind was howling, but only a few drops fell. Then the sky turner of a pale gray and now there is a big big storm. It is raining 60 degree. Thanks god I did my outdoor stuff before the hell broke loose. Stay dry!