Posts from Splinter in thread „Where are the news?!“

    To be honest most of the news reporting here is utterly moronic and caters to the lowest common denominator. One expects news to go round and round if you leave the channel on, but Argentine news takes it to another level.

    For example, they may be reporting on someone important being released from jail and all they have is a 30 second clip of a man being escorted through the gates carrying a brown paper bag, so for the next half an hour whilst the studio guest is being interviewed, that 30 second clip will run looped, non-stop, ad nauseum. It drives me fucking crazy, so I switch channels, throw the remote at the TV or start shooting aliens on my PC instead.

    And then we have the dramatic music which they like to add to important stories, bringing the level of reporting down to trashy soap opera. And every news news item is URGENTE! Wtf is that?

    And let's not even talk about independent reporting because it practically doesn't exist here. EVERY media outlet has an agenda which they ram down your throat, bare-faced. TN and C5N are prime examples.

    Ever catch Los Leucos on TN at 10PM? It's a father and son news show and boy do they bang on about that cringeworthyness in the opening credits, as if we give a shit about photos of dad holding little five year old Diego in his arms on some fucking beach near Carilo. The first 30 minutes is given over to a patronsing Leuco senior diatribe, nine times out of ten being an attack on Cristina, her husband or anyone remotely connected with her. I swear the man will have CFK engraved on his tombstone and his words are delivered as they were the tablets of Moses. Nauseating in the extreme.

    And who do they always drag before the cameras? Margarita Stolbizer, who talks so much that she barely comes up for air. Elisa Carrio, whose craving for attention is only equalled by the size of the foot which she promptly inserts into her mouth every time she opens it, followed by a list of other instantly forgettable luminaries whom they park in the guest room and wheel out when someone shouts 'Action!'

    I know the BBC is not 100% balanced and let's not even talk about CNN and Fox, but for the love of God, bring me some balanced reporting from somewhere, anywhere please in this drama, tribal obsessed country.