Posts from serafina in thread „Is the lockdown causing more problems than COVID 19?“

    My grandma had a store for 40 years in Italy and she was a cash-only person, too. She had a bank account, a card, checks... but that's as far as she went (checks). She never used the card and when she tried to use it, she didn't know how to navigate the ATM screen and the machine 'ate' the card. I was 10 years old back then, so I was useless in front of an ATM because I didn't know what the various options prompted meant, I just knew how to push the buttons - it never occurred to her that maybe she had to push the buttons on the side of the screen to select an option - she stopped at the keypad.

    When I was a teenager I had my bank account and my card and tried to convince her to use it. I was using mostly because it was cool (none had a card they could use by themselves, without parental supervision) and the 'cool' argument was never convincing enough for her.

    In her eyes, the money was not safer in the bank, it was just harder to access. Suppose you needed the money, but pushed the wrong buttons at the ATM... you would have ended up with no money and no card, so more troubles than what it was worth.

    Instead, she always kept a wad of cash at home (about €5000 in current money), and even when shopping in bulk for her store, she always paid cash. She retired in '99 or around that time, so this was 20 years ago, but I doubt much has changed in Argentina, where many people are wary of banks here and have tried to avoid them as much as possible.

    If people haven't been used to banks / bank services for most of their adult life, they will hardly join the banked squad when they are older.

    I have had the opposite issue when we moved to Argentina. I always had very little cash in my wallet when I was living in Italy. I could pay by card about everywhere. The only cash I needed was for drinks and coffee, because at that time no shop accepted card payment for smaller amounts.

    When we moved to Argentina I felt very controlled because I needed cash for everything, and my husband kept the accounting. I still cannot go on a shopping spree unless we plan for it in advance, and then I feel bounded to buy because maybe we have changed money on purpose, and the longer the money sits in our hands the less it's worth. Sometimes I have to ponder whether to buy something non essential or keep the money for the food because it's Friday and that money has to last until Monday. Or maybe because I would need only $2000 more, but the minimum amount you can exchange is a 100 USD bill which is about $8000 nowadays. What to do with the remaining $6000?

    Overall, it's a continuous calculation and pondering, not to mention the discomfort of having to look for a place to exchange and go around with a lot of pesos, becoming a potential target. Money management is a worry I didn't have in Europe.

    If that's the case, force the fuckers to actually use them and get their families to help guide them.

    It looks like it was instituted in 2011. All banks have to offer a simple, basic, and free account for pensioner and those getting social benefits. They also have a free debit card and aren't charged to withdraw or deposit money. The BCRA explains it here.

    Patagonia Bank - Santander bank - Supervielle bank

    How about creating a pensioner bank account with no charges? But wait, that would be a $$ loser, bearing in mind how shittily successive governments have treated pensioners in this country and that includes Macri.

    I thought that all pensioners had free bank accounts in any bank!

    And there is also the basic bank account with debit card that is free from anybody.

    I really cannot believe what I am seeing today. Thousands of old people grouped together in lines around the city. Seriously, we have just been locked in our houses for two weeks for NOTHING! The lockdown has been a complete waste of time because now the most vulnerable demographic is packed like sardines in a can. Talk about painting a target on your back.

    Maybe that's the point. Kill elders by the thousands to cut off spending on retirement. With the money saved, try to save younger folks. :/

    But if unreported, then in the end, the numbers will be high - - numbers flooding hospitals, numbers of the dead.

    Yes, they should be high unless they are unreported, too.

    For example, even in Italy it is estimated that there are more deaths to coronavirus than reported because many people died at home without being tested at all because simply there is no time/resource/point in doing so, so they are not accounted as 'deaths due to coronavirus'.

    As for flooding hospitals, for now there has been no report on the hospital situation in Argentina, and when I mean NO REPORT I don't mean "low numbers" or "all good, people!", I mean literally ZERO word on the patient load in ICUs, which is why it is suspicious.

    What are the journalists asking about, besides how are doing Argentinian football players in Italy and Spain?!

    “No se puede combatir un incendio con los ojos vendados, no podemos detener esta pandemia si no sabemos quién está infectado. Tenemos un mensaje simple para todos los países: test, test, test”.

    La frase le pertenece a Tedros Adhanom, director de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, quien hace dos semanas alertó sobre la pasividad de las naciones y la ausencia de estrategias para relevar con precisión los casos positivos de coronavirus y, en consecuencia, detener su propagación.

    I suspect the warmer weather has probably helped greatly here. The southern hemisphere doesn't seem to have suffered too badly compared to the north. Here's hoping that continues.

    I don't think that the weather is to praise. There is less testing, less medical facilities and less interest toward poor people in South America. Our numbers will be low in the end, but only because unreported.

    We're currently trying for the exemption but the government site is down as usual. Most of the bike courier companies around here are operating which is why I'm trying to get this first otherwise I'll be detained.

    I suggest you try between 2AM an 4 AM. Is it true that the current permit is valid until April 6, only?

    From a personal standpoint and bearing in mind that my income is based on locally generated income through Mercadolibre sales, computer repairs and motorcycle courier work, that income has now been reduced to ZERO.

    Motorcycle courier work is very sought after these days. I am on a FB group called 'Agenda Amiga' where people ask for suggestion/help on services/products and nowadays most requests are about moto delivery services with a permit to circulate.

    Sometimes it is people who need to collect/send stuff to stores, others they have to send stuff to relatives, or are looking for someone who could go grocery shop for an elderly parent that lives far. It looks like crossing the City access is a big deal, so people are looking for someone on the other side of the 'border' for these tasks.