Posts from Semigoodlooking in thread „Are you woke?“

    As I said, I have some problems with him, mostly surrounding how sometimes he is purposely vague (not on this subject) when he could clarify and ease tensions. However, when he speaks common sense it usually gets drowned out by people who think he is Hitler. I am not even sure he is right wing, but more classical liberal or centerist.

    I agree with you. Live and let live as far as I'm concerned.

    On the other hand, rendering the non-use of preferred pronouns as a criminal (?) offence is a step towards lunacy, as Prof. Jordan Peterson eloquently states. In fact, he himself was hauled over the coals at his university for NOT doing just that.

    Why not make it a criminal offence for not referring to me as him or he? Same thing really.

    I sometimes have problems with Peterson but boy did he throw himself into the lion's den on this subject. What was annoying about that whole epoisode is no-one was listening to what he was saying, instead going to the lowest denominator argument. His whole contention was about the ramifications of compelled speech through law. He never really discussed the issue of transgenderism at all, but everyone else wanted to make it a conversation about that. Of course, he became a nazi because it is easier to label someone and dismiss them rather than engage with them to find a common ground.

    He also modified his stance - which some call flip flopping - but I call learning. For example, when the protests against in Toronto University started against him, he said he would not call a trans person by the pronoun they chose if asked in a personal interaction. When asked months later he admitted that indeed he probably would call someone by whatever they want to be called. By the way, that video of the students cornering him outside during the protest is an infuriating example of why those on the far left are as bad as those on the far right. Peterson trying to discuss the subject and his opponents getting angry, emotional, and reeling off triggering words and basically looking for a scalp.

    He says bizzare things sometimes, but he was sport on and I think the winner during that sage. I doubt he is complaining anyway because it made him rich.

    My daughter has a friend who was a girl but this year has started dressing like a boy and wants to identify as male. Great for him, why would I have a problem with that? I do think we have not explored the mental health side of what's happening enough, but if someone makes an individual choice I am all good with that. In fact, I think I am the only one treating him like a guy when he comes to my house when everyone else steps around it or still treats him female.

    Still, I think government's need to stay out of this. If there is to be a shift in society and the language we use, it must be done naturally and not by legal force. It must also be allowed to take its time. If the future is to be one of multiple pronouns, it will take a long time but we will get there. For example, calling a gay person a "f*****" was ok even around 10 years ago, now not so much. Still, some people will use that word. It takes time to make these changes and you will probably never eliminate it totally. But forcing it through government and law is not the answer.

    Rather than try to approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding, it makes me angry and reject what change people are trying to make. I don't care if someone wants to be known as Zhe, and if asked I would call that person by that pronoun. However, I hate the idea of being forced to do so by a law.

    Me Me! That’s so funny!

    You’ve taught me something, Semigoodlooking. For years and years, I’ve used the terms “cringeworthy” and “cringe-producing.” Not having a teenager, I’m generally oblivious to pop culture words du jour, so I was unaware that “cringe” had come and gone. Pity.

    It's fine to say cringeworthy.

    Person tries to do something stupid to look cool, falls over.

    You can say, "that was cringeworthy". It's fine, nothing wrong with that.

    The popular meme was, person tries to do something stupid to look cool, falls over.

    You would say simply "cringe!" or "that's cringey".

    As you can see, most entries into the Urban Dictionary are from several years ago when the meme was popular. I am sure it is still used today (certinaly is in Argentina) but you don't see it as much on Reddit and other outlets as much as you did a few years ago.

    Going on a tangent - but sort of related - has anyone noticed how youth culture in Argentina seems to always be trailing Europe and the US by a few years? Most of us know some words become popular amongst youngsters for a year or two before being replaced by the next cool sayings. One example was the word "cringe" whenever someone did something... well, cringey. That word became popular online and amongst those pesky kids around 5 to 3 years ago. Only now in the last few months are kids in this country using it. That's just one example that springs to mind.

    Firstly, I find it annoying that kids that speak Spanish adopt English terms, but as someone who speaks English I guess I am blasé ;) about using words from other languages. Secondly, why does the trickle down of popular internet memes take so long to get here, Argentines have the internet.

    Speaking of which, it also drives me crazy how people here say meme. It is pronounced meem and is its own unique word. Here it is literally called Me Me...

    The interesting thing about Peterson (A man with a lot to say and with whom I agree and disagree with in equal measure, but at least he's talking about these subjects) is that he said he would likely call someone by the pronoun of their choice if requested by the person. It was all about being forced to that irked him. His meeting in front of Ontarian (maybe federal government) politicians is a riveting watch.