Posts from Carlos in thread „Venezuela now“

    I see that the most evident proof that the Venezuelans are not doing well, is the great inmigration to not so prosperous countries like Argentina. The last information released by our Inmigration office tells that for the first time the Venezuelans had surpassed too much the usual number of the inmigrants, namely from Bolivia and Paraguay. Every year we received 260.000 people more (venezuelans included).

    Perhaps they do not want to appear starving in their country for an understandable reason of national proud.

    Now I see what you meant, Carlos. I thought it meant that people tend to go where many others went :/

    Definitely Argentina, just like Italy, is a country living on vestigials from the past.

    But Italy has 3000 years of history, we have only 400.- The main vesitgials are from our quick development from 1880 to 1940, when we received the industrial revolution and the european inmigrants

    The accumulation effect is the already installed facilities in the country between 1880 and 1950, with railways, subways, electrical, water provision nets, hospitals, urban development, etc...

    That was made in the good old days when we had a more rational economy.

    The same could be applied to other countries: Imagine Germany governed by a bunch of thiefs and ill prepared people. The economy could be in ruin, but the already made installations, because of its accumulation, would still be there and serve the country for better.

    I know that is always more easy to destroy than to build, but also to ruin exsisting things takes a time.

    After all our economic mess, we still attract latin americans to settle here.

    Why is this? I think that is because our "accumulation effect".

    Perhaps one in the 120.000 venezuelans wish to revenge, and due to our lax police, he could make a "magnicide". It will not be the first time... rememeber Sarajevo in 1914 and Dallas in 1963.

    Due to the almost 120.000 venezuelans inmigrants recently arrived, I doubt that Argentina could be a friendly country to Mr Maduro. Perhaps the others mentioned countries yes, but not here.

    Rice wrote:

    I’m sure your friend would never want to think of himself as racist, Carlos
    , but his words suggest otherwise. It sounds as if he fears that an influx of (largely brown) Latin people would “ruin” his country, but he loves being in (largely Caucasian) Buenos Aires. Am I misreading his meaning and being too hard on him?

    I do not believe that you are hard with him. I must add that at this pace of inmigration, in the future caucasian people will be surpassed by Andean-indian stock- We receive no more inmigration from Western European countries. And the andean indian stock is reproducing more people than the caucasians.

    This is an argument very controversed. When there are two different cultures with a common border, some people will not like to be overwhelmed by the incoming different culture. Others will like it.

    I have a Philadelphian friend which likes to visit Argentina, but he does not want the Latin inmigration because it "will ruin my country". I observed a blatant contradiction (why he likes Argentina?)

    Well, the situation is the opposite of 1961. The wall is built to prevent the entrance ot inmigrants; the other one was to prevent the exit of the east germans.

    Rice said:

    At that time, the Allies accomplished the Berlin Airlift, dropping food and medical supplies into communist-held East Berlin.

    if you allow me, I would make a correction:

    The Berlin Airlift was done in 1948, when East Germany, at that time a pawn of the USSR, did not allow the pass to the specified corridors (highways) that connected Berlin, which at that time was an enclave surrounded by unfriendly territory. I remember that I, almost 5 years of age, remained most concerned about a possible WW III.-}

    Instead, the Berlin wall was built in 1961. I was at that time in the University, plenty of leftist students which hated the USA and the western powers. It was, for me, an excellent argument to

    cross them telling that the communists were doing a wall because people wished to fled from their dominion. They remained silent, no explanation would work.

    It is a blatant reconaissance of the current misery and misfortune of the people. The same happened when the German communists built a wall between US/ France/UK quarters from the Russian one in Berlin (1961).

    Gunboat diplomacy?

    Yes, I try to mean that. but my English was not enough.

    The problem with these extreme solutions is when the Power who uses

    the gunboats leave the country. They solve the problem for a while, but

    not permanently. Just look at Syria...