Posts from serafina in thread „Argentina elections 2019“

    [...] Cristina finally graced the tribunal with her presence, going on a four-hour rant that included thinly-veiled threats against the sitting judges and several other members of the federal justice system that operates out of Comodoro Py courthouse. In a violent and defiant tone, she accused the tribunal of having already decided her fate, calling it a “lawfare court” that responded to the Macri administration’s necessity of framing Néstor Kirchner as nothing more than a thief in order to impose neoliberal economic policies that have led to the return of the International Monetary Fund. “I’ve been acquitted by history, and history will condemn you,” a frantic Cristina screamed as she pointed her index finger at the judges, to the roar of her followers.

    “The Judiciary that Macri used to persecute Cristina will go after him,” Fernández said about the case, revealing what their relationship will be with the federal justice. Fernández de Kirchner has already insulted the tribunal and told them she does not care about the final outcome of the trial against her, while Alberto indicated that the courts will turn against Macri and his officials. The same corrupt justice system that was subservient to the Kirchners during their glory days, and which vehemently went after Kirchnerite corruption under Macri, will most probably favour Cristina once she assumes the Vice-Presidency. Already several judges have ruled in their favour, granting ‘K’ businessmen like Cristobal López the benefit of home arrest, while overturning several rulings in key corruption cases. Obviously, Mrs. Fernández de Kirchner won’t complain when the same judges become obedient and diligently target Macri and his ministers in the years to come.

    This is another piece on the account, always from the BA Times. I don't really understand how is it possible to hold such behavior on a court of law and how this could be tolerated. I guess it wouldn't work the same if it was one of us...

    From the BA Times article 'Cristina is back, on steroids'

    Last week, Cristina dynamited that pleasant illusion. She did so by taking full advantage of a day in court to mount a furious attack against much of the Judiciary, most of the media and her political foes starting with Macri. The judges who wanted to question her about the industrial-scale looting that went on when she occupied the Pink House could hardly get a word in. Her face contorted with anger, she let them know that she had already been absolved by history (just as many years ago Fidel Castro had predicted he would be) and that it was her accusers who were now on trial. As for Alberto, unfazed by Cristina’s insinuation that he too should be put in the dock, he said her defence had been simply “marvellous, impeccable.”

    I don't understand how the judges weren't able to get a word in. In any country of the world, disrespecting the court means to be held in contempt. I suppose they cannot do it because she is a Senator and has immunity ?

    <woltlab-quote data-author="UK Man" data-link=";postID=14775#post14775"><p>As someone who has always though the country was and always will be f'cked it will be business as usual after Sunday.</p>
    <p>Anything here is possible.....even the kicking out of all the Brits to prove a point. <img src="" alt="^^" class="smiley" srcset=" 2x" height="23"></p></woltlab-quote><p>As pessimistic as it may sound, I think that ‘business as usual’ would be the best case scenario. <br>When the Ks won the PASO, I was fearing physical violence, too. The few days after PASO were surreal, with champagne popping and dancing like they had won the World Cup. <br> At this point, I don’t know if I am more scared of what could happen if they win or if they don’t.</p>
    <p>Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk</p>

    How would the decision be made, to go to a ballotage? Would F/F agree?

    The ballotage happens when the candidate who got the most votes has less than 45% or when he has not a striking majority as detailed below.

    Los artículos 97 y 98 de la Constitución establecen que un presidente asume su cargo cuando su fórmula ha obtenido más del 45% de los votos afirmativos o por lo menos el 40% de los votos y una diferencia porcentual mayor a 10 puntos con respecto a la fórmula que le sigue en cantidad de votos.

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    My husband listened to the whole thing and was also of the idea that Macri was the best speaker and that based on that speech alone, he’d consider voting the guy.

    Espert was as good as ever, Fernandez not so much.

    I was watching Netflix. I already know what I oughta do on October 27.

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    Who wouldn’t prefer lunch over paid parking?

    Of all the areas of the northern barrios, you’d think Tigre would have plenty of free parking. Do traitors have some kind of legal basis for moving into streets and extorting drivers, who fear damage to their cars if they don’t cough up the demanded pesos?

    They don’t outright blackmail you, but they can be aggressive. And once you’ve turned your back to them, leaving your car there with an angry local ‘trapito’, who knows what could happen!

    I don’t like paid parking, but what I loathe is parking that is paid only in peak times. That really drives me nuts!

    For example, in my area, parking is free. By regulation, it shouldn’t be possible to park on calles used by buses. So they have installed nice, new, shiny signs of NO PARKING. We park exactly under the sign because there is no other place to park. Now they are going to take away the sign and put paid parking? I don’t know but it sounds incoherent, to say the littlest.

    Anyway, on Friday and Saturday nights, when the nightlife is at its highest, we have a trapito. And he pretends to be paid even if you are a resident (no preferential treatment, he is a fair man!) and even if you are going to leave your car there even after he has left.

    So, now we are avoiding to go out by car on weekends night because we have to pay the guy. Luckily, our block is still fairly calm and so this man has ‘claimed’ several blocks, so he cannot cover all of them by himself and you can still fool him by parking around the corner while he is ‘busy’ at the other end of the block.

    But it is another nuisance in our daily life. Do we really need that?!

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    Here in tigre they asked us 700 pesos to park on street some weeks ago when we needed to park by boat club......hard to take serious or?

    We recently visited Tigre on several occasions to buy new furnitures. We had the terrible idea to go there on a Friday afternoon and the otherwise-free parking areas were all "claimed" with street cones, flipped buckets, chair by random people (I guess neighbours who decided to make living there profitable).

    We parked around Plaza San Martín as it was free (as in REALLY free as it should be).

    One shops in Tigre for cheap deals, not to pay hefty parking fee to self-made men AKA trapitos.

    I think it is both dumb and illegal and the police ought do something instead of whatsapping. It is damaging their own business... unless people going to Tigre feel wealthy for a day popping $700 for parking alone! I'd rather have lunch out than pay for parking in Tigre.

    I wouldn't attend a manifestation, either. I was just referring to the fact that 9 de Julio is not a safe place to hang out because of the many low-lifers that hide in the curbs and sometimes assault cars.

    Also, in some points of 9 de Julio, you cross the Avenida and pass from a 'crowded but safe' zone to a tricky area, especially around Montserrat, near Independencia subte stop, where there are drug addicts and less crowd.

    My husband was disappointed that the march had bombos and all sort of stuff that appear also in populists marches. I think both main parties are socialists, but one is so more than the other. What a joke!

    Oh, and my neighbors says that they are going to put paid parking in our area... is it going to be TRUE paid parking with the machines or TRUCHO paid parking with a man collecting the money?

    Well thanks for the new nightmares, @JAN . I used to think of these guards and police as merely ineffective, not dangerous.

    Maybe you could turn up to them to ask for whatsapp advices and get rid of this fear 😂

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    Where is the electoral debate held?

    I just saw this and I thought that maybe the debate is held at the Law Faculty, otherwise I couldn't explain the link...

    Maybe they need to rest their ears for 24 hours before they can listen to the debate?

    <p><woltlab-metacode data-name="user" data-attributes="WzE0Ml0=">JAN</woltlab-metacode>, you make me laugh so much! <br>I can’t really figure out how things work here and I have been here five years already. <br>Everybody complains about it hardship of living here, then they go to Miami to shop, to NY to watch Christmas decorations, to Europe on trips...</p>
    <p>I was watching for places to rent for summer, and a simple cabaña is around 1,000-1,500 USD per month. I understand that maybe two families sharing bunk beds can afford that, but for the two of us, spending for a basic home on La Costa the same you’d spend to rent a fancy apartment in Capital is mind boggling.
    With a daily rate the same as an apartment in any European capital city (except maybe London and Paris), it is really hard to believe those prices.

    But apparently there are Argentines spending that amount of money on vacation. They aren’t certainly not North American or European tourists those vacationing in Mar del Tuyú.</p>
    <p>Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk</p>

    Yes I heard the Falklands being mentioned and said to the missus. Considering they have 1001 other far more important things to fix what the hell are they talking about that for? She said something sarcastic back to me. :th_giggle01:

    Sounds to me another thing to blame the others instead of dealing with their own issues.