Posts from Carlos in thread „Argentina elections 2019“

    Jan wrote:

    The piqueteros fatter than fat wanting to provoke an emergency situation, just beyond a normal person to comprehend.

    The piqueteros are, as the nazis once called, "untermenschen". a degenerated branch of the human race which grew fueled by populism.

    I beg your pardon for using such a horrible expression, but in that sense I think we need an "endlosung" outcome. No education nor persuasion can change their minds.

    Carlos, we are in same boat.......I'm not leaving anywhere.....the mother of my daughter don't wanna go anywhere, and I'm staying with my daughter!

    I guess many expats here are in a similar situation.....they cannot just leave!

    We will hang in there.....if you and so many other managed, we will manage too!!! But it's gonna be hard......just spoke with several friends from here, really seriously worried about the uprising that could come! Again, best would really be if MM left BEFORE the nasty stuff starts.....

    The main problem lies in the political culture. More than 50 % of the country population still see an "arcadian" state the 1946.1950 period of Peron, when he had money to distribute.

    And also the unstoppable decadence of moral standards, for example: how a guy like Maradona is considered almost a God when he boasted to make a goal with his hand in a soccer game? It is the same that K voters did yesterday, when they preferred the thiefs, corrupts and lyers than the other side. (Which by the way I do not think that they are saints in the Heaven, but there is a difference).

    Look on what happened with Vidal in the BA province. She strived for doing infrastercture work, making roads, sewage systems, providing water etc. etc.. But the populace prefers "Futbol para todos" and other advantages for free. This country does no deserve goog government-

    The only think that I hope is that the next president will stop this process before the abyss. (Venezuela)

    Other thing that I appreciate a lot is the old relationship we had with the anglo saxon countries. They had complementary economies with us, and this relationship functioned very well from 1860 to 1950. Then grew in the populace the idea that this enormous technical and financial su´pport was a form of outdated colonialism. The real fact is that when we were well related, Argentina was the first country in Latin America, in wealth, social mobility and welfare. Only the US surpassed us, because of its great power.

    I think that if Macri wins, this will be restored.

    Totally agreed. I also have 2 sons and 13 grandchildren. Since my childhood I grew up surrounded by siblings who were young in 1910 and they told me that Argentina was a great and rich country. But my real experience since that time was totally opposed.

    Now I see the possibility of a real change, and we can share this enthusiam with you and your children as well.

    I imagine your young children in 2029, when she will be a teenager , surrounded by a country plenty of possibilities to young people.

    As William Shakespeare said "All is well that ends well!"

    Uf Macri wins, we shall have another 4 years of progress. Many seeds have been planted; Cargo Raiways, New routes, Shale Gas, Solar and wind energy, attacks to the maffia and drug dealers.

    And the best, finally peronism will be buried.

    Rice said:

    m not sure the other countries entered enthusiastically into the Patria Grande concept. Cristina, Chavez & Correa, yes, but Brazil?

    The Patria Grande concept was never accepted in the good old days of Argentina. It is an recent political concept that has nothing to do with our history. It is essentially a rejection of the European influence in this part of the world. It worked when they displaced the Columbus monument from downtown.

    It includes a vision that the aboriginal peoples were angels and the european people all devils.


    (To tell the truth as well, the Columbus monument was well preserved and well infilled in front of the River just in front of the Aeroparque).

    I agree with the opinion of Jan when he said:

    It's actually very easy to explain why the left and specially the kkukas has such a huge support from the youngsters, all the way up to age 30-35......:

    Aas a professor, I have students from 20 to 26 years old and the great surprise is that they do not know anything of the last years of history, even world history. (National neither internationa)l.

    Therefore their appraisal of economics is very weak.

    The KKukas were, in many ways, transgressive. I remember Kirchner playing with the presidential scepter like a joke when he recieved the attributes of power from Duhalde. And young people appreciate transgression.

    "Los Argentinos juntos, somos imparables!"

    Nice sentiment, but it kind of sounds terribly pretentious.

    The performance of the last 70 years is a proof that denies this pretension. It is only a political slogan, in my point of view disappointing for the present government. Sounds too "peronist".

    I always think that is much better to know our inabilties and mistakes, and have a pretension of growth under a humble consideration on what we are.

    Perhaps this unhappy statement was created by some unknown election expert like Duran Barba.

    I regret this, as an argentinean. This is not the way.

    In any given country you have voters that do not think about economy and about substainability......people that just live like u have smoked weed 24/7......thats not the problem....the problem is that the percentage of that group is close to 50% here in Argentina!!!!!! =O

    Yes, I agree. This 50 % is very dangerous. There are many uncultured people here which have not received a proper education based in common sense.

    Mottoes like " Duty first, Pleasure later" were not in fashion in the last 2 generations (50 years or more)

    I would like to say that since Peron took the power in 1946, with full of advantages as he inherited a country with a lot of money reserves, the result of being neutral in WWII (we only declared war in January 1945, just to be eligible to be a country founder of the United Nations), Peron used the money to create a false welfare state that could not be sustained in the future.

    The fake prosperity ended in 1953, when Peron lost its hope in a Third world war (Corea War was almost in a stalemate). He hoped a WWIII to repeat our successful business: to stay neutral and sell our commodities to all the combatants (More or less this was what the Swedes did in WWII)

    That period 1946-1951 was remembered as a golden age that many people still sustain. And they have transmitted this view to their descendants that is the main reason why there are so much people following Peron or whoever says I am a Peronist.

    Peron died in 1974 and those who followed it were much worst politicians, and also extremely eager to get money through corruption. Also Peron used to play a double game: he fostered the guerrilla warfare since 1968 and then decided to wipe out them in his last days of government.

    Peron used to be anti-USA but in 1953-1954 regained good relationships with the USA inviting the brother of President Eisenhower to Argentina, also allowing US Oil companies to explore oil wells in the Patagonia

    But the worst thing that Peron did to this country was to neglect the work ethic that, in one way or other, was still present in the immigration wave received after 1880. And he accustomed the “people” to claim more than they deserved, asking more comfort and not demanding effort. A thing that normally German and Anglo-Saxon people never did. Another grave mistake was accepting always deficit in the state budget, therefore we were always living beyond our possibilities.

    All these mismanagements were upgraded by his scions: Campora, Menem, Duhalde, Kirchner and all of them.. Even the Radical Party was reluctant to demand more work ethics. And the Military dictatorships were also not able to put the country in real order.

    Of course, this could be a controversial topic.

    Those that dislikes the "aristocratic democracy" that we have had since 1880 to 1930 do not take account that the few "greedy" aristocrats allowed to create the biggest medium class in all Latin America. I am a witness of that, looking the history of my family, a product of that social mobility.

    In every private enterprise you are judged by your outcomes. Even in the antiquated Spanish colonial regime, after the end of a Viceroy there was a "Trial of Residence", and in Madrid they evaluated the management that the Viceroy did in the Hispanic possession.

    Here there is no judgement. You can be free of any danger even if you performed disastrous actions, like the expropriation of Aerolineas Argentinas in 2008. Now we have to pay millions of dollars in indemnity to the previous owners.

    The assumption of Cristina in her last speech about her possible sex affair with the late Manuel Belgrano shows her lack of sense of respect to our historical heroes.

    Imagine Mrs. Angela Merkel telling the people that she would like to have an affair with Bismarck?

    I am ashamed and concerned about the applause of the people gathered in that meeting.