She'll probably get a movie and a book deal. FFS.
Posts by Gary Kipher
Dear professor, we have very different opinions of the modern hegemon. I respect your views. I can't comment on Argentina, other than reading the BA Herald. We are from different times and socio economic constructs. Best regards.
What comes next in the empire of the burlesque? We are witnessing the opening salvos of the next WW? Frisson.…ng-world-order/ Apologies to Rice, wish I could be an optimist, just read to much history on the empire.
Thanks Carlos for the history insight.
Oh so true Ukman. Honda Elsinore 250cc. We had miles of dirt roads, trails and defunct roads/trails. Couple guys I grew up with raced as adults in motocross. I was good at wrecking and breaking bones.
Ojo de bife is looking good. Would pay four times that for local grass fed bife in estado unidos. I'm curious, see Argentinians raise world class bife, what does your chain stores/corporate conglomerate carry? Grass fed or feed lot bife?
For my country, look at what's going on up here, spin me a fairy tale mr. prezedent.
All Horatio Alger bootstrap mythic bullcrap. But hey if it motivates a person whose to say, faith is a touchy topic.
To the funny farm. Mooove over! What's next flying purple people eater. Estado Unidos is the Monroe doctrine swinging dick it's always been. Grab your ankles the Yankees don't do subtle.…uesto-en-china/ good luck. Not so funny this animal.
Learned that no watch and bling thing in Guatemala City, mugged in broad daylight, very quick bait and switch, got the misses necklace. I'm with you Ukman, scruffy looking, oh and I'm 6'2" and weight 225. Kinda helps. But when someone has the jump on you and will shoot you for a phone? That's a game not winnable.
Looks like my village's city council meeting! Minus the luxury SUVs and knock off handbags. Arrff!
Indigenous? Freaking zoonotics, golden horde of nature. Boom bust, happens in nature as well, humans must learn(accept) we are part of nature, not it's master.
It's Called the American Dream Because You Have To Be Asleep to Believe It - scheerpost.comA thorough dissection of America’s capitalist mythology reveals the sham to which lots of people continue to subscribe, despite growing nationwide
Truth hurts, but knowledge is the salve for a disease that's terminal.
Good morning Argentinians. Sorry for the heavy lift, but real answers require real questions, painful truths either makes you stronger or weaker. As gramps was found of saying: It'll either cure ya, or kill ya!…-to-believe-it/ Thanks gramps.
Some kinda beatle?
Ukman, there's a normal country, you big kidder you!
Ya, Rice, I didn't get the smug reference either? My friend just got back from China, said the experience was phenomenal, especially liked the mag-lev train, and especially liked the museums. I really liked Holland, but as for a beacon, or exemplar nation? And I enjoyed France, but that was twenty years ago, I love museums and libraries. I speak no French, but had a great time. Also had many travels in Mexico. But now? I'm a senior citizen, that changes everything, I'm definitely not a tour group kinda person.
He is a cutie that dog of yours Ukman, right sharp in his vest that he is.
Yeah, don't have to convince me, I read one banking site, Wall Street on Parade. It pretty much dissected the issues on a regular basis. I make no opinions on others countries debt obligations, my countries are epic enough. Lost in translation, I was describing estado unidos, not Argentina.
No argument there. The republic, elects a new king every four years, monetized capture has turned the federal system into a rotating door of lobbyists and Mic handlers. Old rich white guy. And a token person of color to look inclusive sprinkled about. Follow the money and see what laws get legislated. We the people? Fucking farce.