Yes, long story short, on a retirement visa, no tax number is needed. The number on the back of the DNI is the only number I need. Now I just need to convince a bank of that.
So the bank I went to today did not throw me out, but they didn’t give me an account either. The woman I spoke with told me I needed the tax number and a ńumero identificacion fiscal´ as well.
So I went to the office that issues the tax document.
I went just before they closed and was lucky enough to walk right in and talk to someone. He was a nice younger guy.
He told me I didn’t need anything else. That my visa does not require a tax number of any kind and showed me the number on the back of my DNI card. He said this is the only number you need you’re not required to have anything else.
So I don’t know if the bank is going to accept that, but I’ll have to go back and try. May be a different bank.
It’s funny to me, how people pretend that they’re in authority, they know what they’re doing, but in fact, they don’t.
At this bank, there was a guard at the door and the door was kept dead bolted. Even though it’s in the first floor of a high-rise office building the doors kept locked at all times. The guard lets people in and ask them what they want.
There’s also a machine like a kiosk right next to the guard. Before you can even enter the bank, you have to enter your DNI number into the machine which verifies it, and then issues you a ticket for your turn to be called.
While I was waiting, which did not take too long, I was looking at my phone. The guard came over and whispered to me that it was for bidden to look at my phone in the bank! Whispered, like in a church…
I have been here just over a week and am truly enjoying myself. I have been to a concert at Palacio San Martin, had a private tour, been to an internations meeting on puerto madero (that ended up with a group of us stying together all day and going to dinner together as well), eaten in so many good restaurants, met many new and wonderful people….
I resolved to be patient with the inevitable bureaucracy, so I am.
Ím sure my persistence will pay off, eventually.
Thank you for your advice.
Oh, btw, I was just reliably informed that the application fee for a visa was doubled this month to $40,000 ars.