Posts by Carlos

    Carlos I had never put together the connection between dark winters and bow windows. Brilliant!

    for this was sent to England a culturarl attache from the german empire to research on how the british were able to built bery comfortable houses, due to the harsh weather, similar to germany, in reality he was a spy, but wrote a verty interesting book titled 'Das englische haus; HIS name was HERMAN MUTHESIUS and popularizend the comfortable houses for the rising middle class. We in argentina have a lot of houses of that type which replaced the spaniard syle of homes inherited by our founders the Spanish,

    El Estilo Tudor: distinción y elegancia pura de orígenes medievales

    We’ve been there at Christmas time, and yes, it was cold. But even worse was the depressing darkness. Ugh! He’s lucky he can escape to Buenos Aires.

    Yes, I agree. the long darkness of the Nordic countries are really depressing plus the cold. This is why they have very comfortable houses which are plenty of real dwelling spaces like the bow window, an extension of the house to capture the light,

    A good example of this is the houses of charles rennie Mackintosh, the scottish architect Hill House | Series | WINDOW RESEARCH INSTITUTE


    You may call today a miserable weather, but be aware that the winter in BA is quite short. In the end of august you shall enjoy much better temperatures and sunny days,

    Miserable weather is in COPENHAGEN, in winter. I have a friend that flies every january to BA because the cold is unbearable, even knowing that here the warm can be unbearable as well.

    Another proof that northern provinces are governed by a bunch of corrupt and criminal politicians.

    Capintanich is a feudal peronist loyal to cfk and very close to Sena.

    perhaps JUJUY is an exception,

    But democracy, allowing votes to semi alphabetized people produces this mess.

    the intervewer had choosen people o low middle class or worst. he must ask to more educated people.

    all is a question of class, i assume. The general opinion of the middle and high classes is that the English had made its business and we had made our business as well..

    As regards the islands, half of the library says one thing and the other haf says the opposite.

    I think that the posession of the islands will not change anything, and of course I cannot imagine the islands governed by one of our barons of the conurban counties of BA, especially peronists.

    i cannot understand why it happened. For sure there was all the money and technical resources fo bring a sure exploration. it was not an experiment of an undeveped country, it was done in the most greater global power.

    If we are going to explore Mars, why we cannot go down and see a sunken ship... that is the question,

    have an excellent stay among us, Monsieur Sarran

    The Peronists have issued a joint statement denouncing the police repression and violence towards the protestors, many of whom are hardened criminals. Fifty six have been arrested, of whom:


    No wonder if among the peronist are hidden a lot of hardened criminals. The were always the same stuff.

    They are the real enemies of this country, because is inside us.

    The rioters in the Province of Jujuy has important economic consequences. All of the northern provinces are feudal administrations, and all are poor and underdeveloped. No surpirse, they were governed by peronists since maney years ago,

    Jujuy has interrupted the feudal customs and the governor have developed two very important items for nowadays.

    they have developed the lithium colection, and also the solar energy, as this northern province has abundance of sunlight, as it is above the circle of Capricorn. Perhaps in the near future will grow a lot in relationship with the others.

    and the peronist which surrounds it, are coveting this jewel.

    it seems that they brought rioters from the outskirst of ba and also from Bolivia. There are many bolivians which hove double nationality and they are receiiving subsidies from the federal government

    Also the so called original population are protesting right now. I believe that we need another General George Custer to wipe out all this rubbish.

    A similar case was was in the Recoleta cemetery around 1905, when a young girl named Rufina Luro Cambaceres was buried alive as she had catalepsia, She gt awaked a few hour later inside the coffin and there are proofs that she was trying to call for help, but no person was hearing her call. She died inside the coffin and later was discovered her horribke death,

    Since that iis mandatory to bury a person only 24 hours from his apparent death,'

    Isn't it Flag Day? The number of holidays is crazy and if I'm not mistaken Argentina has amongst the highest number in the world.

    All is for becoming popular and win votes. A number of holidays marks a trend in decadence of a country, i remember the PANEM ET CIRCENSES in the last centuries of the Roman Empire

    in general I would say that the legisation here is more soft and benevolent to receive alien people.

    perhaps if you need i can connect you with a lawyer of my group of friends who is able to tell you with detalis all the things to do.

    be optimist, all can be arranged in Argentina. specially with acceptable people as Canadians are.

    Carlos , I was referring to the ethnic cleansing done by General Tito in the territories that belonged to Italy and were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before that.

    If you visit Istria and Dalmazia, you can see inscriptions in Italian and Latin on old stones, but they have facelifted everything they could to rename everything in Serbo-Croatian. To this day, they still deny those territories were from Italy. It is beyond my understanding how Croatia was able to join the Eurozone and i about to enter the EU.

    Yes, you are rigth.I understood that you were apeaking about the north frontier of italy, but yes,Tito always tried to get trieste to jugoslavia, specially when he broke the union with the urss and tried to be close to the western powers.

    Perhaps because formerly the italians of Trieste looked down the slavic people of Croatia and Slovenia, because they were the richest people in that important port.

    A few years ago I saw passing Monfalcone and Duino some road signs telling ' trieste 24 km, and alse TRST,24 Km, showing the respect that they have for the language of their closest neighborgs.

    I do not believe that the reverse happens\ when you are coming from Pola or Pula going to Trieste.

    I think that the best was when all of them were under the equilebrated treatment of the Habsburg, untll 1918.

    So the Church disapproved of Peron because they considered him a dictator? But it was the military, not the Church that tried to assassinate him, yet he retaliated against the Church? Were the military and the Church allied?

    The conflict with the Church was because Peron allowed the divorce and also propoitiated the brothels in order to satisfy people sexual desires, provided by inspections of health to the women who attended them , whores of course.

    this was a gross mistake, because in 1946 Peron was supported by the church, and nobody would think that he will do that. The condition of Peron becoming a dictator did not concerned the church, because all was tollaerable if it were not communism. Remember that in those times we were in the middle of the Cold war. The initial JUSTICIALISMO was very close to the social doctrine of the Church explained by pope Leon XIII.

    Also was a rumor that Peron, a widow, was living in sin with a teenager. The real enemy of Peron in those times were the landowners, the traditional aristocracy that dominated the country since 1880 and ended in 1946. The militaru were divided, someones were accepting Peron, someones were looking for a more consistent democracy.

    but when he died being president the whole thing was put in oblivion and Peron had state funerals in the cathedral.

    The burning of churches just after june 1955 perhaps was not an order of Peron, and probably was an uncontrolled reaction of his faithful fanatics.

    In my opinion, bombing plaza de mayo was a huge barbarian move, disproportioned with the aim to kill Peron, a sniper will be enough.

    I would be intrigued Carlos as to how your discussions go with your friends and locals about such matters:

    Unfortunately my opinions about the meditarranean conception of life are not very popular and I understand it.No person from their own stock wish to hear criticism from another similar person, they see me as a hidden traitor. But I am entitled to do it, because I know the intimate bias and also good things of our mediterranean style. For example, i see as a good thing that we cannot obey cruel orders as the endlosung pursued by Adolf Hitler. We can be lazy, disordered, perhaps dishonest, but never cruel at that point.

    Rice wrote

    A complete change in government policies and leaders is needed for the benefit of all. Let’s hope voters can see past the free choripan and computers and futbol para todos.

    I think; we need a nordic mentality, always foreseeing future problems, accustomed to spare money and resources in the good days, and save it for the disgraced times, that normally appear. Look what are doing now the Norwegians, creating a fund specially reserved for the times when their main source of income will not be the oil that they get from the sea,

    This is the opposite of the mediterranean mentality, always looking for inmediate satisfaction and uncontrolled desire for pleasures and enjoyment,

    For some reason Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Commedy, says in one verse of the Inferno;

    'Nessun maggior dolore che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria', which means ;there is no greatest pain that remembering the merry times when you are in the misery'

    And Dante was an enlightened mediterranean.

    i can trace my ancestor until 1865, not more in the past.

    perhaps I need to investigate more,, but at the time my ancestors came from the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetian and the register of my earlier ancestors are in the churches of the small towns where they married and baptized.

    The only thing that i can assure that we were better under the Austrian empira than being under present Italy.

    of coursem that depends on the region where your ancerstors were.