no clear explanation. only lack of confidence
Posts by Carlos
i will vote for patricia bullrich, she looks similar to margaret thatcher,
that is what we need.
I've only been to one of them, and that is 16, La Sagrada Familia
I don't think that number 2 is a beautiful sight. I've heard that the coastal side of Croatia is also beautiful, which isn't included in the list, unless I'm mistaken about Croatia
no, the croatian coast, a former part of the Dalmatian coast is very beautiful and was mostly italian inlfuenced in the austrian empire.
The Gulf Stream affects the climate of the whole West of Scotland.
Glasgow, East Kilbride and indeed Thornliebank share the same latitude as Moscow.
But our winters are quite a bit milder.
a benefit of the caribbean gulf, I guess. I understand now.
i would suggest to wait a bit. there is a heath wave at least in tne mediterranean countries.
Feeking cold , @ UK Man
for a scot like you, it is only spring. remember latitude 34 south versus 50 degrees north.
no wonder if the inflation rate extablished of the governmente is about 7 or 8 per cent per month.
even i say that the proce of the dollar is a bit low.
We drink tap water.
we also, never a problem.
i cannot understand thisl lack of water in Montevideo,having in front ot this city the rio de ls plata, very big and plenty of water. We never had problems with edible water, even in times of severe droughts.
parhaps the big installations of water purifying facilities along Lugones hwy,, built in 1926 is the key question.
but as always our puppet president did not lose the opportunity to make a faux pas criticizing this to uruguay.
He deserves the Nobel price for itnernational relations.
Have a guess what this is?
The official seal on Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb, as Howard Carter found it in 1922.i assume that is an ancient locker to close a door, made with no metal. perhas egyptian, for the figures in the background,
I never understood why their terms as governor are not limited to two terms like the presidency.
because the provinces can have some articles which differs from the national constitution. A mere trick to keep the clients safe in a corral, giving them miserable subsidies but keeping the power for ever. that is only feudalism in the worst version, the peronist one.
be aware that most of the citizens of those provinces are unculturas people, and the current power that this must be always maintained. the worst education creates faithful slaves.
Haha! No nail polish results to report yet, and we saw a lot of young guys at the beach this wkend.
goog news, it seems that the decadence is far away.
Carlos , I will do some personal research among uni-aged guys on our beach this month.
DO NOT DO THIS, i suspect that I will have another disappointing experience about the country of you, that I until now admire.
The best specimens of feudal governors are Gildo Insfran, Capitanich and the one who is in tucuman and la rioja
not for nothing all are miserable provinces. if I were having all the power i wll withdraw the right to be an independent state and be merely a national territory as it happened in tierra del fuego, santa cruz, Rio negro and Chubut.
just imagine the money you spare avoiding supreme courts, parliament and other useless bureaucracies.
all governed from the executive power in BA.
20 years ago i had a MALE student in an american univtrsity which had nail varnish color red.
As no one was aurprised I said nothing, but even now i do not think that this is a manly attitude. no doubt i still am a dinosaur. I ask myself if this is now popular in the uk or the USA..
Ireland is a woke nightmare, they're trying to pass laws saying you can't even joke about certain people. If I were you, avoid like the plague
this will never happen in Cordoba. the people tries to laugh with anyone, and nobody take offense.
We went to La Cumbre back in the heatwave of February and also camped in Los Cocos.
It's a very pleasant area, but I would avoid Cordoba since it's just like most other big cities/towns in Argentina -surrounded by grotty villas miserias.
yes, you are right, But nowadays Cordoba has a well designed circular highways and you can avoid enter into de villas miserias that grow around every important city. i a few minutes you are able to be in tne hills.
La Cumbre is indeed a beautiful place, and all that you say is true, Carlos . But for North Americans looking for a place to relocate, it’s still a great distance from family, there’s a language barrier, and the government is even worse than the US government would be if trump succeeded in regaining the White House. But it certainly passes the climate (and beauty) test!
just see this video
The area is on my "to visit" list Carlos I have seen some youtube videos and it looks wonderful. I think it is a healthy place to live also with clean air and good opportunities for walking etc.
An acceptable alternative can be purchasing a small country house in La Cumbre, in the Cordoba hills, nowadays very well connected with a complete city like Cordoba, in the middle of a charming place, and close to all health facilities. of course, the house will not be as inexpensive, but houses are well built and the social envitnoment is high and very influenced by english settlers which used the train to arrive there in tne 1920 and later.
the weather is excellent, very sunny but moderate heath in summer, and cold in winter. Of course, is not Ireland or Italy, but is quite fine for cultured people as those of this forum, is in a high place, 1200 m altitude.