Died today , aged 100.
Jimmy Carter
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Opinions are mixed about Carter’s presidency, although given some of his his 21st century successors, historians are looking more kindly at him. But all that aside, he is generally considered to have been the best FORMER president, as he spent his post-presidency years building houses for poor people through Habitat for Humanity, and helping other people rather than spending his later years burnishing his ego.
Agree. He wasn't a very good president, but he was a good and decent man (those facts may be connected).
I think the work he did post-presidency showed his true nature. To use the old cliche, he left the world a better place for having been here.
I didn't know this about him either.
When Jimmy Carter met Kim Il-sung and stopped a nuclear warThe former US president halted a US-North Korea showdown, but was also accused of going rogue.www.bbc.com -
We are learning more good about his presidency than we knew then.