I'm just wondering what the cost would be to rent for a year. I may or may not stay in Buenos Aires forever. Would it be feasible to rent a basic loft full of stuff? I'd need a bed, a small sofa, table and 2 chairs and probably a refrigerator. I'd go ahead and buy the small appliances, table ware and such that would be easy to move if I change residence after a year.
Anybody Renting Furniture?
daveholman -
December 12, 2024 at 11:17 AM
There are 16 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 373 times. The latest Post (
Never heard of such a thing to be honest....that's not to say it doesn't exist. Is the difference in rental price of unfurnished accomodation against basic furnished accomodation large enough to make it worthwhile?
I don't know. I've been looking at apartments online, and a few that have caught my eye were unfurnished.
I don't know. I've been looking at apartments online, and a few that have caught my eye were unfurnished.
Most long term rentals are so I'm not surprised. Have you looked at Airbnb prices for furnished accomodation in BA?
Yes, I have. That will be my first stop, for a month, during which I'll look for something longer term
Yes, I have. That will be my first stop, for a month, during which I'll look for something longer term
Most long term private rentals done here involve legal contracts. I'm not sure how that would work when renting to foreigners though.
I understand the law requires I get my DNI first. On the other hand, I've heard paying a year in advance (while getting my visa) can overcome most hurdles.
We have rented out in the past to people without a DNI. It's a matter of trust and the sort of guarantee they offer.
I don't think the law states you must have a DNI.
But I could be wrong.
One of our members has a short term rental appt.
Yes! Not me, so I can attest to its perfection.
The laws have changed again this year. I do not know the details. I think the law of 2020-2024 specified they must be 3 years, and had specifics for how often cost increases were allowed. Now with recent changes perhaps back to 2 years, and less regulation on increases.
So a one year lease probably has no applied law outside of whatever is set in the contract. DNI was probably never a condition set by any law. -
We have rented out in the past to people without a DNI. It's a matter of trust and the sort of guarantee they offer.
The missus only rents the flat in BA out to people she knows and trusts. As for the retail properties here. After years of renters messing her mother about, mostly caused through her own fault it has to be said. The missus had to sort out the mess when we came to live permanently. She started insisting that everything was to be done 'by the book'. The chancers soon got the message and left....which was most of them.
Since doing it all official and legit there's not been a problem.
Our only real problem was with a couple of guys that came highly recommended by a friend. They were messy sods and I don't think they cleaned the place in the 18 months they lived there.
They did a runner just when the pandemic started and it was just so difficult to get a painter into sort out the mess.
Since then we have only rented to foreigners , or at least one in the couple Is non Argentine.
No problems at all.
Current tenant is a Taiwanese bloke and his Argie wife.
Interesting. Our landlord has also said he much prefers renting to non-argentines because locals don’t take care of the apartment. Is there something lacking in their training? Or what is the problem??
Es que los locales a veces se avivan muchos. 😎
We have had both local and foreign tenants, but our experience is too limited to be able to draw any conclusions. We were lucky, so far. Some people in Argentina do have a lack of care for furnitures and stuff in general. I remember seeing real estate ads where the bedroom was cluttered with clothes on the ground (as in hardly folded, not thrown there).
My sister in law had her apartment for rent for a couple of years, and to my surprise even single adult girls can be quite messy in the house, although they look all well groomed on the outside. It was a surprise to me as I believed that girls were more versed in house chores (me being an exception - it is my husband taking care of most of house chores. I’ll happily stay in the kitchen) -
Interesting. Our landlord has also said he much prefers renting to non-argentines because locals don’t take care of the apartment. Is there something lacking in their training? Or what is the problem??
Spoilt by their mother or in my wife's case their granny.