Scotland's finest Christmas ad
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I was nearly greetin' watching that.
Rice , did you ever try Irn Bru when you lived in the UK?
No, never even heard of it until now.
No, never even heard of it until now.
It outsells Coca Cola in Scotland!
Allegedly it cures hangovers, according to the drinks biggest fans
So, can you describe the taste?
It tastes like Irn Bru....
Sorry it is not like any other soft drink.
But try this....
What Exactly Is Irn-Bru, And What Does It Taste Like? - The Daily MealIrn-Bru is a Scottish soft drink with a unique flavor. Read about its history, ingredients, and why so many Scots think it has a peculiar orange -
I am crazy about their advertising! I guess this will require a trip to Scotland to taste it.
(This will also mean the hassle of the UK’s new electronic approval hurdle for visitors and even those simply connecting flights. What’s with THAT? And will every other country follow their lead?)