Argentine plugs vs UK plugs
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I can’t imagine what that looks like to an Argentinian but then I’ve never looked under the hood of of one of theirs
I can’t imagine what that looks like to an Argentinian but then I’ve never looked under the hood of of one of theirs
Quality leaves a lot to be desired,so I'll take a photo of one.
I suppose what’s running through my mind is that when I’m in the Argentine I have a simple 2 pronger which clearly isn’t as safe as a 3 pronger.
So I must up my pronger game.
But even that is to ignore the robustness of the UK plug
In our house you have to use two types. Either those with the two rounded prongs or the two flat angled ones. A right pain in the arse as I usually end up having to find an adapter.
Over the years, I’ve bought more than my share of prolongadores, which serve as power strips, extension cords, adapters, and additional electrical outlets for apartments which are notably short on wall outlets.
I was going through the collection to choose a working combination for strings of balcony lights, when I noticed that one has a plug I don’t remember seeing before: three cylindrical prongs straight across. -
Over the years, I’ve bought more than my share of prolongadores, which serve as power strips, extension cords, adapters, and additional electrical outlets for apartments which are notably short on wall outlets.
I was going through the collection to choose a working combination for strings of balcony lights, when I noticed that one has a plug I don’t remember seeing before: three cylindrical prongs straight across.Uruguayan plug , maybe?
Uruguayan plug , maybe?
Could be. I'm sure I've heard the missus saying they used to have them here.
Another thing electrical I noted today. The missus was buying light bulbs and they're all screw ins compared to the push and twist ones in the UK.
No clue. But all the prolongadores are made to accept the 3 prongs, just the same as all the other strange ones.
Does any other country use multiple shapes of electrical plugs? What’s the point?
I was going through the collection to choose a working combination for strings of balcony lights, when I noticed that one has a plug I don’t remember seeing before: three cylindrical prongs straight across.
I remember the three cylindrical prong in various Argentina travels and rented homes. It is the same as the 2 prongs, with the middle used for ground. On the macho plug side, you can break or sometimes unscrew the middle prong when the outlet only has two prongs. Chile uses/used it too. Argentina only has the one that is legal , all others are outdated style.
I have an adapter in my travel bag. https://www.goinginstyle.net/south-america-…vel-adapter-kit
Could be. I'm sure I've heard the missus saying they used to have them here.
Another thing electrical I noted today. The missus was buying light bulbs and they're all screw ins compared to the push and twist ones in the UK.
After all these years, you've only just noticed that?
After all these years, you've only just noticed that?
No the missus pointed it out to me years ago when we lived in the UK. She thought all light bulbs were the screw in type up until then.
No the missus pointed it out to me years ago when we lived in the UK. She thought all light bulbs were the screw in type up until then.
I prefer the screw in types to the UK bayonet ones, tbh.
Anyway, I don't cut UK plugs off anymore because they are so much safer. Besides, I have loads of adaptors which I've collected over the years, many of which I brought with me way back in 2005.
This one is a UK Samsung fast charger using two adaptors because the white part was for use in Spain, but the two male round prongs are thicker than the Arg female, hence the second adaptor.
I've had this this three gang switched extension for years and now use it for our new Russel Hobbs kettle, but I did have to fit an Arg plug for the wall
This is a typical Arg plug which is very fiddly to put together, so I always look out for better quality plugs, even if they are more expensive.
My missus won't let me do anything electrical in the house. She seems to think I'll kill myself. Must have been something I said.
I won’t let my husband do anything remotely like plumbing, either. He couldn’t be electrocuted, but the ensuing flood could lead to manslaughter.
I do what I can to not only save money but to not get let down by wankers.
A noble pursuit!