Is he suffering from Know-It-All Syndrome? Is it treatable?

Elon Musk
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Maybe he thinks that he can buy the election like all those billions he wasted on Twatter.
Of course he does.
I think Splinter called him an “agitator” some time ago which was a description I agreed with. But now he has an interest/obsession with and/or in British politics, I must revise my view of him and wonder what he’s really about.
What going on with this guy?Addendum I believe Splinter referred to him as a disruptor, not agitator. just to be clear.
I in turn modify my agreement of the term used similarly.
He comes up with world changing ideas on a regular basis, then accomplishes them. I've no idea where the hate for him comes from, but it must be a jealousy thing.
He's like Edison and Tesla's lovechild on steroids.
I’ve mentioned no hate, nor even dislike in the above post.
I wonder if you can engage with what I did mention rather than what I did not.
I wasn't actually pointing at you. Hating on Musk is a cottage industry in the US.
Well if that’s the case then it’s an interesting subject to discuss.
I had no idea.Can you cite me an example of someone meddling in US politics as a non-US citizen, that did not meet the threshold of the meaning of the word “disruptor”?
That’s just to start a conversation obviously
Non US citizen? As in an individual, as opposed to a government? Not really. Of course dozens of governments routinely meddle in US elections.
As for individuals, they have a hard time getting enough money in to cause serious disruption, although I'm sure a bunch have tried.
I'm very uncomfortable with Musk having such a definitive role in the incoming government since there surely must be a conflict of interests.
I won't even comment on the other bizarre appointments which smack of nepotism in the extreme, not to mention the ambassadorship to France.
I'm 100% with you on the nepotism. Slightly less concerned about Musk's role, since I think he's clearly smarter than most politicians. And probably less corrupt, too, as far as conflicts on interest.
Diplomacy used to be a career.
Now it's who you know or how much you have donated to the winning party.
Ambassadorships are a reward, now, for sure. One hopes the permanent staff are doing the actual diplomacy.
Out of curiosity, what’s the salary of an ambassador or consul?
I did a research for Italy, and while the salary itself is not outrageous (around 130k usd), there are a lot of add-ons for their service abroad, which brings it to 250k USD. Plus full boarding and accommodation.
Given the large Italian population in Argentina, we have one ambassador and at least 5 or 6 consuls.
While they are well paid, honorary consuls are not paid a dime, which I find appalling.
There was a honorary consulate in San Isidro which was closed a few years ago. Since then, the position has been vacant as the prospect honorary consul should also make available an office open to the public. Who would do so?!
I had a friend from Italy who was named honorary consul in Santa Fe. He was quickly annoyed by the demanding public who was just interested in getting a passport.
He has left Argentina a few years ago. I think he moved back to Spain or Italy and is no longer interested in these things. -
Ambassadorships are a reward, now, for sure. One hopes the permanent staff are doing the actual diplomacy.
He gets rewarded for this:
QuoteThe elder Kushner, 70, is a multimillionaire real estate executive and former attorney. He was handed a two-year sentence – most of it served in a federal prison – after pleading guilty in 2004 to 18 counts of tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions.
and this:
QuoteThe elder Kushner pleaded guilty to federal charges of tax evasion, campaign finance offences and witness tampering and was sentenced to two years in prison in 2005.
Among the evidence presented in court, prosecutors said Mr Kushner targeted a brother-in-law who was cooperating with authorities against him. He hired a prostitute to seduce the man, intending to intimidate him by sending video footage to his wife - Mr Kushner's sister.
Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who ran against Trump in the latest Republican primary, prosecuted the case at the time and called it “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes” he had seen.
But was pardoned by trump in 2020. If only the rest of us could live a life of impunity?
I think Splinter called him an “agitator” some time ago which was a description I agreed with. But now he has an interest/obsession with and/or in British politics, I must revise my view of him and wonder what he’s really about.
What going on with this guy?Musk seems intent on being more than just a disrupter. Here’s a gift article on his attempts at interference in the UK, Germany, and Canada. Never mind his outsized influence on the incoming US president. -
Well this made me chuckle. Farage's arse licking has rebounded on him.
Elon Musk calls for Nigel Farage to be replaced as Reform UK leaderNigel Farage claims Musk's call is due to a disagreement over support for far-right activist Tommy -
Even crazier news in today's Guardian....
Elon Musk would be interested in buying Liverpool FC, claims fatherThe father of the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, claims his son would be interested in buying -
Not understanding Musk’s cyber bullying of Starmer, I read this background information. It is enlightening, though i still don’t understand his motive. I suppose that will eventually be revealed, but in the meantime, can any of you UK members shed any light?
Opinion | Elon Musk’s Dishonest Demagogy on Grooming Gangs (Gift Article)The billionaire is exploiting old atrocities to undermine his perceived -
Not understanding Musk’s cyber bullying of Starmer, I read this background information. It is enlightening, though i still don’t understand his motive. I suppose that will eventually be revealed, but in the meantime, can any of you UK members shed any light?
Pretty sure it goes back to the UK government (as well as some EU countries) threats against Twitter for violating various censorship laws.