Netflix bamboozle

There are 5 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 87 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

  • Our US Netflix subscription currently costs either $12 or $13. Today we received a msg from them that was a wonder in PR bamboozle:

    [Huge font headline]

    What you need to know:
    Your Basic plan is being discontinued, and your new $6.99 Standard with ads plan automatically begins on your next billing date, September 19.
    Your new plan includes:
    Lower price: Save 40% each month.

    A few short ads: Designed to not interrupt you during a scene — and no ads on Kids profiles

    There’s nothing you need to do to keep enjoying Netflix! If you’d like to change your plan to Standard ($15.49 per month) or Premium ($22.99 per month), you can update your plan anytime.

    What a positive spin given to completely negative news! Instead of the actual story, that they are substantially increasing the price of our current plan, they couch it in terms of the 40% discount they are bestowing on all current standard plan customers who, unasked, are being downgraded to a new plan with ads (“designed to not interrupt you during a scene”).


  • Where's the bullshit meter when you need one?

  • Time to move to an Argentina plan?

    Precio (pesos argentinos)

    Consulta los planes y precios disponibles.

    En Argentina, se aplican los siguientes impuestos a los clientes de Netflix:

    • Impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) del 21 %
    • Impuesto a las transacciones (PAIS) del 8 %
    • Impuesto por Resolución 5450/2023 del 30 %