Major US/Russia prisoner swap today?

There is 1 reply in this Thread which has previously been viewed 70 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

  • Interesting that BBC identifies the prisoners involved. I’m watching the unfolding story in the USA, and the names (“because of the sensitive nature of the negotiation “) are not being revealed until the transaction is complete and the hostages, presumably, are on their way home.


    The prisoner exchange is to take place in Ankara. The Turkish government has released the names of the people involved, so the American press is authorized to do the same.

    Paul Whelan and Evan Getshkovich have been freed and are now in US Custody. UK citizen Vladimir Kara-Murza and a fourth, as yet unnamed, political prisoner are also being released.

    A joyful day for their families. But a very sad day for the families of the prisoners who are not being released.

    Update #2:

    The fourth political prisoner being released is Alsu Kurmasheva, a journalist with Radio Free Europe.