Happy Independence Day to all our US Based friends
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July 4, 2024 at 8:14 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Happy Indepedence Day to all our US Based friends” to “Happy Independence Day to all our US Based friends”. -
That’s hilarious, UK Man !
We just returned from our neighborhood parade, with about 100 children towing parents and grandparents, all on foot, in flag-flying convertibles, piled on wagons, and in bunting-wrapped golf carts. John Denver singing “Country Roads” on the cranked up radio of a red1940’s truck with a great old dog named Otis riding shotgun.
4th of july is actually the wrong date...2nd july is when it got declared ....
Do you know what’s funny about it?
They call it 4th of July which is the British way of saying a date.
Why didn’t they call it the way Americans say dates-July 4th?