University protests in Argentina

There are 12 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 434 times. The latest Post () was by Splinter.

  • One of the big problems in the public University system is the number of people who are gettng salaries every month and have never worked a day in any of the Universities.

    And whe they refuse to be audited , you really have to wonder why.

  • One of the big problems in the public University system is the number of people who are gettng salaries every month and have never worked a day in any of the Universities.

    And whe they refuse to be audited , you really have to wonder why.

    I do not believe this, or it is greatly exaggerated. For the professors it is obviously not a 9-5 job, instead it is N number of classes per week plus a few mandatory office hours. For administrative positions I imagine there is some flexibility as modern internet connection 24 hours per day enables some work to happen without being chained to the desk.

    Yes I know that the Not Audited topic has been tossed into the public news in the past weeks. It is a valid point, though sounds to me as a new negotiation tactic and something tossed to the wolves on social media. I imagine the Universities have their autonomy set at some level, either as a group and/or individually. The idea of Presidential appointed bureaucrats micromanaging independent bodies is worse than the inefficient bureaucrats, which might exist, inside the university system.

  • I do not believe this, or it is greatly exaggerated. For the professors it is obviously not a 9-5 job, instead it is N number of classes per week plus a few mandatory office hours. For administrative positions I imagine there is some flexibility as modern internet connection 24 hours per day enables some work to happen without being chained to the desk.

    Nothing surprises me here.

  • I do not believe this, or it is greatly exaggerated. For the professors it is obviously not a 9-5 job, instead it is N number of classes per week plus a few mandatory office hours. For administrative positions I imagine there is some flexibility as modern internet connection 24 hours per day enables some work to happen without being chained to the desk.

    Yes I know that the Not Audited topic has been tossed into the public news in the past weeks. It is a valid point, though sounds to me as a new negotiation tactic and something tossed to the wolves on social media. I imagine the Universities have their autonomy set at some level, either as a group and/or individually. The idea of Presidential appointed bureaucrats micromanaging independent bodies is worse than the inefficient bureaucrats, which might exist, inside the university system.

    If you think it is greatly exaggerated , you do not understand how the Kakas worked to get cash to their team of people

  • One of the big problems in the public University system is the number of people who are gettng salaries every month and have never worked a day in any of the Universities.

    I know this is the exact rhetoric used discussing many government funded organizations. I believe the K’s La Cámpora funnel their people into jobs that they do not deserve or are unneeded at Aerolíneas Airlines and others. Those are easier to grow low-skill young workers, some who eventually become entrenched in unneeded management positions. All they need to do is show allegiance to the party. Same for the corrupt political party system that doles out city/town/municipal jobs only to their constituents.

    The University system is more essential to the future of the country, and also not at that level of corruption. Yes, there is definitely a lopsided number of educators and other workers who blindly follow the K side. Though it is not for unearned jobs. The jobs are competitive and awarded through open committee meeting after publication of each available position.

    The University is required to educate the future STEM, agriculture, business, and yeah culture and arts students who are all the ones needed to become the innovators when/if real investment ever arrives to this country. Public educators at primary, secondary and university level are underpaid everywhere in the world and still always under attack because it is difficult for some people to believe in long term investments.

  • We have a friend who attends a public university for the arts (USA - Universidad de las artes) and she reported that even her classmates are outcasting other students who don’t sing the K praises.

    They tell her she can’t / doesn’t deserve to be there and won’t work on assignments with her. I wouldn’t be surprised if also the professors knew who is with them politically and play tricks against her.

    We had some fierce political discussions with my classmates in Italy due to differences, but none went as far as effectively drive out a classmate because of divergent political opinions. Those were just discussions among young 20-something trying to figure out the world during lunch breaks. We were there to learn engineering and not to indoctrinate or join a political party.

  • I listened to the K bitch yesterday who obviously pointed out the inflation rate to her adoring audience of crawlers. My missus lost the plot while I just shook my head thinking I hope to God this country desn't go back to believing the shit she talks. To be honest I wouldn't be at all surprised if it dd.

  • Image

    Need I say more?

    Yes, you do, because perspective and context are everything.

    That image implies that President Milei is responsible for the high inflation which couldn't be further from the truth.

    When he came into power on December 10th last year, inflation was around 25% PER MONTH.

    It has now come down significantly to around 12% per month.

    Anyway, that Pamphlet X poster is simply a doom mongering, click bait monster who is best ignored.