As you know, the kindle solved my reading issues as I can get immediately any book I want to read. However, lending books from the Library was convenient. Nowadays, many libraries are offering digital lending (make sense).
Is anyone of you using this service?
I was interested into digital lending for my mother, who got fed up with poor books and now only reads what is available as part of her Amazon Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription. Of course, often new issues or current best sellers are not part of the plan. Hence, I looked into digital lending at her local library but they have a 5/month & 12/year book limit. This is ridiculous, as an avid reader reads far more than 12 books in a year.
I was wondering if perhaps she could join a library in a town different from the one where she lives, so that she can read more ebooks for free.
Amazon doesn't yet rent ebooks in Italy, and tbh even in the US the rent vs. buy price doesn't make it very convenient, imho.