You have probably read about it when I was shopping for appliances in mid 2023. We have launched our apartment on AirBnB in mid November and it had been booked solid since day 1. We then rented it outside of AirBnB for a couple of months - our longest tenant, ever. We had a positive experience, as our tenant was extremely respectful of our property and even left us two bottles of Malbec and other items that improve our property.
My Cinderella weekend, aka the turnover
I have been spending the usual 2-3 days cleaning and doing the laundry as after a long term tenant we have to clean everything from scratch. It is a lot of work. The worst part is that she had a long haired dog that slept with her, and the sheets are full of dog hair. I had the infamous task of cleaning them and I am using an adhesive tape to remove the hair. We have tried all tricks from the vacuum cleaner, the rubber gloves, the wet hands... but in the hand it is a surgeon job. Luckily, she only used two sets of sheets.
Lesson learned #1: only leave two sets of sheets. If they need more, they can ask.
Lesson learned #2: I understand those landlord who simply throw away sheets after a guest with pets. I have literally spent 2 hours to tape-clean just two fitted sheets (both sides, of course!). I did other two sheets and the pillowcases over the weekend.
The brick fever takes on Palermo
When we bought our property, it was still a house for sale. Of course, we already knew what was going to happen. The same destiny of all homes in Palermo: they will become towers. Unfortunately, they have already started building next to us. We don't know how tall it is going to be. Our building is 9-floor, and I think that could be the max height allowed on this block, so I am expecting the same. Right now, they are starting to put the wooden beams to pour the concrete for the 8th floor (our apartment in on the 7th floor). On a positive note, even if we are sharing a wall with the new building, their balcony is far from ours.
On a less positive note, we have another couple with pets entering in two weeks and this is likely to become an issue. Works starts at 7.30 AM and go on until 6 PM, even if the city regulation says 8-5.
El Encargado
And finally, the cherry on the cake: the previous guest accidentally lost a set of keys without realizing. However, our encargado found the keys and whatsapped us. We confirmed they were our keys, but we were on vacation, our tenant was also on vacation and the encargado said he would be leaving the keys in his storage room (we didn't tell him the tenant was also away). On the next day, he called again to ask if we had picked up the keys. PANIC!
We weren't in Buenos Aires, nor our tenant was... I texted the tenant and she confirmed she did NOT send anyone to pick the keys up. A few minutes later the encargado called again to say that he had found the keys -- he had moved them and then forgot about it (all of this, in the same 24-hour span).
We came back from our vacation but then it was the encargado's turn to go on vacation. We couldn't find the keys on our own in his storage room, despite he sending us a picture of where he had hidden them.
No biggie, we can wait. Now he is back from vacation but for a series of reasons we couldn't meet him in person. Instead, he said he'd be leaving the key as the café downstairs. We picked the keys up this afternoon, however.... SURPRISE! The apartment key is missing.
I even have the picture of the keys he found with all keys. I asked my husband to call him for an explanation --- silly me thought he did it on purpose to avoid leaving full access to our unit to the people working at the cafè, and was expecting to find the key sled under our apartment door. But I was wrong.
If you have seen the Argentinian TV series "EL ENCARGADO" you are well familiar with the characters of Eliseo, played by Guillermo Francella. Well, my husband is going to sleep in the STR tonight and tomorrow we are changing the keylock. Then - and only then - my husband will be confronting the encargado with the picture he sent and the keys we've been handed over.