Best city for expats

There are 10 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 559 times. The latest Post () was by Bombonera.

  • I was last there when I was around 8 years old. The only thing I remember was a bloke making and selling some type of hot caramalised nuts in the street that were delicious.

    A friend of my wife moved to Malaga a few years ago. Seems it's a popular area for Argentinians to go and live.

  • I was last there when I was around 8 years old. The only thing I remember was a bloke making and selling some type of hot caramalised nuts in the street that were delicious.

    A friend of my wife moved to Malaga a few years ago. Seems it's a popular area for Argentinians to go and live.

    Yip , loads of Argies all over the province.

    In my last stage in Benalmadena 3 of the best 4 dentists were Argentine born.

    My lad's Physical Education teacher was also Argentine.

  • Please tell those of us who’ve never gone, about Tarragona, @Bombonera ?

    I was last in Malaga so long ago that it must be a completely different city now. The sun was glorious! But then, it seemed as many people there were from England as from Spain. And to punctuate that impression, our Jaguar mechanic in the USA, from England, had a place in either Malaga or Torremolinos.

  • I can't speak with much authority about Tarragona having never lived there but it was a nice city to visit and I felt it would be a decent place to live.

    It's a small city, it's on the coast, has Roman ruins, beach resorts close by and a short trip up to Barcelona. I think because it is generally off the radar of tourists (it gets them but not in huge numbers and only for a day trip) then prices are reasonable too.

  • I was last there when I was around 8 years old. The only thing I remember was a bloke making and selling some type of hot caramalised nuts in the street that were delicious.

    Garrapiñadas are a common treat also in Argentina. Here they make them with peanuts 'cause they're cheaper. Abroad they use hazelnut or almonds.

    Garrapiñadas: todo un clásico que nunca pasa de moda - FRUTOS SECOS EL  TURRONERO