Let's hope the Kaka loonies don't start throwing their toys out of the pram.
David Cameron To Visit Falkland Islands, Brazil And Paraguay
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Of course they will do exactly that.
I actually loved the comment from Mondino , the Foreign Minster , thanking him for including Argentina in his Latam trip. And maybe next time he could hop over to Bs As to have a meee with her and Milei.
If i was Cameron , I would reply that I had thought about ot but some silly bastards had ceancelled the flights from PS to BA
What was the rationale behind visiting Paraguay and what has been said about his visit there?
Didn't even know he did. How did he get to the Falklands? Maybe it was a refuelling stop?
David Cameron realizó la primera visita de un ministro de Exteriores británico a Paraguay en 160 añosEl mandatario paraguayo indicó que recibió al canciller “para conversar sobre el fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales, el futuro de las relaciones…www.infobae.com
Cameron destaca como "histórica" su visita a ParaguayEl ministro británico de Exteriores, David Cameron, destacó este martes como "histórica" su visita a Paraguay.efe.com -
What exactly are similarities between the UK and Paraguay?
I wouldn't be surprised that the UK is trying to find somewhere else to dump illegal immigrants. Like Paraguay for example.
I certainly would prefer Paraguay to Rwanda.....
"It is a great pleasure to be here. There are many coincidences between the United Kingdom and Paraguay..." You can always tell when some highly-paid speech-writers have been set to work. Firk me.
Very possibly he was in the night club I went to with a mate from Dublin this time last year.....