Time to celebrate Scotland's National Poet!
The only day of the year when Scottish people all over the world raise a toast to Customs&Excise Official.
Haggis and whisky all day in my house , if you want to come by!
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Time to celebrate Scotland's National Poet!
The only day of the year when Scottish people all over the world raise a toast to Customs&Excise Official.
Haggis and whisky all day in my house , if you want to come by!
Must admit I've never really been into Burns or haggis for that matter. I'd come for a wee dram though if you stayed just doon the road.
I would too, and I don’t even like Scotch whisky!
I don’t even like Scotch whisky!
Have you seen a doctor?
I'm letting my dominant Scottish DNA down today. No haggis nor whisky in the house sadly. You enjoy though!
Thinking about it, I should probably change my flag here to Scottish.
I don't even support England in the World Cup!
Misleading thread title. I think we were celebrating Milei's sideburns!
Bombonera has gone back to his roots. I'm now officially Scottish!
Bombonera has gone back to his roots. I'm now officially Scottish!
Steady on laddie.....whereaboots exactly are these roots fae?
UK Man I did one of those ancestry dna tests. I'm more Scottish than anything else and I didn't even know!
I think I need to ask my mother some pertinent questions!
UK Man I did one of those ancestry dna tests. I'm more Scottish than anything else and I didn't even know!
I think I need to ask my mother some pertinent questions!
OK..that'll do me.
I need to spend more time up there to be honest. It's a big gaping hole in my travel cv really. Day trips to Gretna Green, Glasgow and Edinburgh are all I've ever done and that's not right.
Day trip to Gretna Green?
Now that sounds very suspicious...
Pray tell !
Oh gosh! That was when I was a kid. Just a coach trip up there for the day from the Wirral in the 1970s
I have fond memories of my stop in Stirling. Beautiful green all over. The hostel was in an antique building, the room was smelling of wood as it was recently renovated (I think it was 1999). One of the best places where I have stayed.
I wasn't impressed with Glasgow or Edinburgh, too gray and rainy for me. I am not a cheerful person, so I need to be in a cheerful place
I’m starting to worry. With @Bombonera ‘s joining the team, it looks as if we’ll have more Scots than any other nationality on the forum.
I’m starting to worry. With @Bombonera ‘s joining the team, it looks as if we’ll have more Scots than any other nationality on the forum.
I cannout understand why this should be a motive for worry, Rice....
Maybe a name change to McRice will be in order?
Soon I expect we’ll all be using strangely-spelled words, even more strangely pronounced, and mentioning wee drams, etc….
Next thing we know, no more King Cake but haggis at your party, McRice! But I will excuse myself from the cooking part, in that case.
Never fear, serafina ! Some things are sacred!
(King Cake, that is. Not haggis!)