Ads from the past
There are 9 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 598 times. The latest Post (
"For a better start in life, start cola earlier"
What I learnt from browsing those adverts is how much trouble men have have gone to to make life easier for women.
Kenwood Chefs, Hotpoint washer driers, Soil Free ovens....
"For a better start in life, start cola earlier"
What I learnt from browsing those adverts is how much trouble men have have gone to to make life easier for women.
Kenwood Chefs, Hotpoint washer driers, Soil Free ovens....
Tal cual!
Couldn't stand the ruddy things.
Didn't like Fruit Gums , but i did like Fruit Pastilles
Didn't like Fruit Gums , but i did like Fruit Pastilles
Me too however I've always been more of a chocolate lover.....Cadbury's especially.
Not a bad tune for this advert
Once testing is complete EHR certification, launch your app in a phased approach. Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to create awareness and attract users. Consider promotions, referral programs, and partnerships to drive initial user adoption.
Thanks for this interesting solution!
What solution?
"For a better start in life, start cola earlier"
What I learnt from browsing those adverts is how much trouble men have have gone to to make life easier for women.
Kenwood Chefs, Hotpoint washer driers, Soil Free ovens....
Just update our brooms to Nimbus 2000’s and we’ll be totally content.