Best wishes to all ! A wee dram later to keep the celebrations going!

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Happy Saint Andrew’s Day to our Scottish friends! Calling on my own ancestry, I feel obliged to celebrate with you.
Shame on me....I didn't know it was.
Don’t feel bad - - I would have forgotten the ultimate US holiday, Thanksgiving Day, if I hadn’t walked past a bar in Palermo Soho which, clearly hoping to capitalize on the event, had a large sign outside to proclaim their celebration!
Shame on me....I didn't know it was.
I bet you didn't know it is also the national day of mate.
Día del Mate: cómo surgió esta bebida tradicional argentina
El mate tiene su origen en la cultura guaraní. Los nativos creían que la yerba mate era “un regalo de los dioses” y la utilizaban de varias maneras.
I bet you didn't know it is also the national day of mate.
Bugger the mate...whisky for me!!
Other than Scotland, Saint Andrew is the patron saint of several countries , including Barbados, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine
He is also the patron of golf, fishermen and singers.
Russia and Ukraine have the same patron saint? No wonder the war is still raging on: he can’t decide which side he’s on!
Unlike here where they'll use any excuse to have a day off work St Andrew's day in Scotland is not a national holiday.
Unlike here where they'll use any excuse to have a day off work St Andrew's day in Scotland is not a national holiday.
Just waiting for independence......
I had the honour of attending St Andrews School, Olivos in 1974. Does that count?
I had the honour of attending St Andrews School, Olivos in 1974. Does that count?
I reckon you are half Scottish , Splinter
Top half, or bottom?
Your left side , I think...