Where are you from / your heritage

There are 16 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 1,168 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

  • I took a DNA test a few years ago and submitted it to MyHeritage (just for the fun of it). These are the results:

    I am not surprised by the Ashkenazi Jew part, it must be from my Prussian side. But almost 23% Iberian? That’s quite a bit and makes no sense, unless I caught the genes while living here 😅

  • I took one too. I forget the percentage breakdown but I'm more Scottish than anything, then Irish, then English and a small percentage Scandinavian. That will be from the days of Viking raping and pillaging in Great Britain presumably.

  • How much does it cost?

    I can't remember exactly - definitely quite a few KitKats :th_giggle01:

    I think it was $69. The hardest part is getting the sample mailed to their facility, since in Argentina you can't mail DNA material (no surprise here).

    There is a Cyber Monday sale today, but I am not sure about the logistic.

    You can also look for local alternatives such as https://generalab.ar

    However, I am not sure what database they use to compare the sample.

    As I said, i did it just for the fun of it, but people who are really into this kind of stuff have an opinion on each website's results accuracy. I gather that it is the way they compare the sample with the database and the database completeness for certain ethnic groups, and not about how they actually analyze the sample.

  • Family tales in my family only got back to 3-4 generations ago. Either because they genuinely didn't know or because documents were lost in the war, people made omissions, memories were never written down (on my mother's side, they were semi-illiterate peasants until two gens ago - i.e. my grandparents).

    It is a known fact that my GGF on my dad's side went to war to France and returned a decade after WWII was over. It seems he made a family over there, came back to my GGM who took him back but never discussed the issue with anyone. I am secretly hoping to find matches in France.

  • Family tales in my family only got back to 3-4 generations ago. Either because they genuinely didn't know or because documents were lost in the war, people made omissions, memories were never written down (on my mother's side, they were semi-illiterate peasants until two gens ago - i.e. my grandparents).

    It is a known fact that my GGF on my dad's side went to war to France and returned a decade after WWII was over. It seems he made a family over there, came back to my GGM who took him back but never discussed the issue with anyone. I am secretly hoping to find matches in France.

    That would be fascinating!

    I have a similar story, but would prefer to share it in private.

  • I’ve dated my family back to 1500AD in Devon, England. Two of my ancestors were actual knights. My ancestors came to America in 1635. My 5th great-grandfather was John Hart who rebelled from the crown and signed the Declaration of Independence. My family fought in every war the USA declared and some police actions. We were pioneers, settlers, farmers, and the list goes on. My family helped build the United States. Now, my country is being purposely destroyed by the globalists. I am old now. This battle belongs to the young. All I want is peace. But, I can’t seem to find it here in the USA. I’m so proud of Argentina in overthrowing your previous socialist/communist regime controlled by the globalists. God bless Argentina!

  • Incredible genealogy work, JohnHart1776 ! Was it all your work or did you hire a professional? I am quite interested in my father's side of the family, both because it is more interesting (they were literate since several generations, held important jobs, were multilingual) and also because my features really come from that side. However, wars and ethnical cleansing seem to have wiped off most of the records, so I am either faced with hiring a genealogist and hoping for the best, or giving it up completely.

    My husband's uncle did hire a genealogist and was passionate himself about the subject, so they were able to date back my husband's family to the XVII century. An impressive job, which resulted in a Family Emblem, but it is unclear if it was paid for or the actual emblem.

    Business and history seem to mix well together... maybe too well!

  • Hello,

    I used Ancestry.com. I was fortunate that other relatives did a lot of this research previously. My father always said that we were only related to horse thieves. He was absolutely wrong! I did do a DNA match and found out that he was not my biological father. Maybe his relatives were horse thieves? My research went through just my mother’s side. I do not know my real father. I do know that my ‘fake’ father was an ex-marine, a bully, used women and beat us. I swore that I never would be like him and I’m not!

  • Not good. Data leaks are rampant just now. I was notified by the Department of Motor Vehicles that their driver’s license database had been breached. So all those birthdates, social security numbers, and addresses are probably being sold for a fraction of a cent apiece.