Mailbox Followup

There are 6 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 344 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

  • Not wanting to hijack serafina ’s excellent thread about out-of-control mailboxes, I’m moving this question to a separate thread.

    While I don’t have any solutions to the larger problem, serafina brought to mind a smaller question that I’d like to add. About her Archive address, she mentioned “ I must have mixed up the settings because it was accidentally used also to SEND email, meaning that there are clients who have that address on file.”. But I don’t think she DID mix up settings.

    Very often, after I have sent friends photos or links, my husband will find their replies much later, in his rarely-checked email account’s inbox, because they received my mail from his email address, not mine. WTF? I was sending email from my account, but suddenly the addition of a photo made the email go out from my husband’s account?

    If there are explanations, and fixes, I’d like to know them, please.

  • I don't understand that at all. Maybe a closer look from a techie is required?

    My Gmail account gets between 50-100 spam per day in Promos and Social as per picture.

    It's also worth noting that all attachments are part of your very generous 15GB Google storage, so getting rid of crap is always a good idea.

    Recently I subscribed to Google One for $2 per month but it only gives you a measly 100GB as opposed to my 1TB with OneDrive.

  • Very often, after I have sent friends photos or links, my husband will find their replies much later, in his rarely-checked email account’s inbox, because they received my mail from his email address, not mine. WTF? I was sending email from my account, but suddenly the addition of a photo made the email go out from my husband’s account?

    If there are explanations, and fixes, I’d like to know them, please.

    is it possible that in the past you setup an email alias in your account? An alias would let you send email as your husband from your account. Though even with multiple aliases it requires a deliberate change every time you send. When your husband receives one of those replies, look at the full raw source of the email to inspect the chain to find the original from addresses.

    Gmail settings - Send emails from a different address or alias

    I doubt the issue is related to only when attaching a photo, though perhaps that triggers you to change something. seems like a test you can control to attempt to reproduce that issue.

    Also, not related to the direct issue, your husband probably can setup email forwarding from his not often used account to an account that either of you check more often.

  • Very often, after I have sent friends photos or links, my husband will find their replies much later, in his rarely-checked email account’s inbox, because they received my mail from his email address, not mine. WTF? I was sending email from my account, but suddenly the addition of a photo made the email go out from my husband’s account?

    I think the reason is that sometimes for some reason the outgoing server associated with one account is not available, so Mail automatically offers to use another outgoing mail server from those configured. Therefore, you are convinced to send the message using your account, whereas it gets sent using your husband's. Who received the message replies... to him.

    I have removed that "archive" account outgoing server. What I don't understand is why sometimes the gmail server for outgoing mail is not working for my main email account, but it does work for my "archive" account.

  • I think the reason is that sometimes for some reason the outgoing server associated with one account is not available, so Mail automatically offers to use another outgoing mail server from those configured.

    I imagined before you are using gmail from a browser. Your explanation here leads me to believe you are using a Mail program, either on your phone/tablet or computer. That would explain the behavior as you have already deduced. It is ok to have multiple outgoing mail servers, but the those others should not be configured with your husbands information or his user/pass.