Not wanting to hijack serafina ’s excellent thread about out-of-control mailboxes, I’m moving this question to a separate thread.
While I don’t have any solutions to the larger problem, serafina brought to mind a smaller question that I’d like to add. About her Archive address, she mentioned “ I must have mixed up the settings because it was accidentally used also to SEND email, meaning that there are clients who have that address on file.”. But I don’t think she DID mix up settings.
Very often, after I have sent friends photos or links, my husband will find their replies much later, in his rarely-checked email account’s inbox, because they received my mail from his email address, not mine. WTF? I was sending email from my account, but suddenly the addition of a photo made the email go out from my husband’s account?
If there are explanations, and fixes, I’d like to know them, please.