Tidying up your mailbox

There are 6 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 403 times. The latest Post () was by aficionado.

  • Over the years I have accumulated quite a number of Gmail accounts. The very first one, with a silly name because emails didn't seem a serious thing, the one under my real name, the one I am using for less important stuff like forums and mailing lists, the professional ones etc.

    When I run out of space on my real-name gmail address, I created a new one with the purpose to use it to "archive" older emails. Well, now the archive is full, and I must have mixed up the settings because it was accidentally used also to SEND email, meaning that there are clients who have that address on file.

    I have been trying for a week to tidy it up. At first, I kept every single email I received because "you never know in life". However, in 2023 reading the first email notifications from FB seems a little over the top. I have spent an afternoon just to go through my 2008-2009 mail, then it surged to thousands of emails per year and it is too time-consuming to go through them.

    In the last 5 years I have been diligently deleting every advertising email and non-important emails, however the space is never enough. This year, I had to purchase space from Google for my mail Gmail account (real-name account).

    What are your best practices to keep your mail in order?

  • What are your best practices to keep your mail in order?

    The only important email I get in my main account is the monthly notification that my UK pension has been deposited in the bank acount here.

    Every so often I'll delete the rest of the crap I get sent by companies. If I no longer use their services I'll unsubscribe from them and mark the dodgy stuff as Spam. My inbox is only about 10% used so I've got no need to panic.

  • What I do when I run out of space is eliminate all mails with attatchments which I will no longer use.

    Especially attachments on mails that I have sent.

    The photos I intend to keep I now file on an external disk

    Photos take up a pile of space and when I get rid of photos sent by mail , I normally get an extra 10 points of space.

  • GlasgowJohn , you’ve given me an idea: since sent as well as incoming email msgs are all stored indefinitely, if we hang on to our sent msgs, couldn’t we get rid of 90% of our received msgs, leaving only those with potentially necessary attachments, since those often drop off when we answer?

    • Helpful

    What are your best practices to keep your mail in order?

    I do similar to you. Multiple gmail accounts, though I never archive to another. I have always had 3 accounts. A personal gmail, a for-work only gmail, and a business correspondence “spam catcher” gmail. That was how I set it up when I started with gmail in 2004-2005. The personal email has filled up because that is also the same account as photos.google.com, so that is the one I pay google as it grows, though very little spam.

    I have all backed up to to non-google places.