20 public holidays in Argentina for 2018

There are 33 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 4,892 times. The latest Post () was by serafina.

    • Official Post

    Why stop a populist tradition? Not to mention dia del amigo, dia de la secretaria, day of the horse etc etc.

    By comparison, in the UK there are 8, yes EIGHT.

    2018 Bank and Public Holidays UK:

    • New Year's Day: Monday 1 January
    • Good Friday: Friday 30 March
    • Easter Monday: Monday 2 April
    • Early May bank holiday: Monday 7 May
    • Spring bank holiday: Monday 28 May
    • Summer bank holiday: Monday 27 August
    • Christmas Day: Tuesday 25 December
    • Boxing Day: Wednesday 26 December
  • There are eight 2018 Federal holidays in the USA:

    New Year's Day, Mon, Jan 1

    Martin Luther King Day, Mon, Jan 15

    Memorial Day, Mon, May 28

    Independence Day, Weds, July 4

    Labor Day, Mon, Sept 3

    Veterans Day, Mon, Nov 12

    Thanksgiving Day, Thurs, Nov 22

    Christmas Day, Tues, Dec 25

    People who work in government offices, post offices and banks get paid days off for all 8 of these days, in addition to Presidents's Day in February.

    Most people who work in the private sector have paid days for only 6 of these; MLK Day and Veterans Day are not automatically holidays from work.

    As is the case everywhere, independent contractors have ZERO paid holidays. No work, no pay!

  • Today is a carry-over holiday because Monday is Flag day, if that makes any sense.

    Habrán 12 feriados inamovibles, dos trasladables y tres con fines turísticos, lo que contabiliza un total de 17 días festivos.

    ¿Cuáles son los feriados inamovibles en 2022?

    • 1° de enero (Año Nuevo)
    • 28 de febrero y 1° de marzo (Feriados de Carnaval)
    • 24 de marzo (Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia)
    • 2 de abril (Día del Veterano y de los Caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas)
    • 15 de abril (Viernes Santo)
    • 1° de mayo (Día del Trabajador)
    • 25 de mayo (Día de la Revolución de Mayo)
    • 20 de junio (Paso a la Inmortalidad del General Manuel Belgrano)
    • 9 de julio (Día de la Independencia)
    • 8 de diciembre (Día de la Inmaculada Concepción de María)
    • 25 de diciembre (Navidad)
  • Too much holidays, to my dismay. The only thing that I remember that the Romans used to give to the populace many holidays, Panem et circenses, they said.

    In the current state of the affairs in Argentina this is a mistake. Even the behaviour of many people tho goes to the countryside for only 4 days. 2 days spent in driving, only 2 days to rest. And the extra cost and traffic stress when they return. Worst if there is a picket closig the highways.

  • Too much holidays, to my dismay. The only thing that I remember that the Romans used to give to the populace many holidays, Panem et circenses, they said.

    In the current state of the affairs in Argentina this is a mistake. Even the behaviour of many people tho goes to the countryside for only 4 days. 2 days spent in driving, only 2 days to rest. And the extra cost and traffic stress when they return. Worst if there is a picket closig the highways.

    Yes it's all a bit OTT. Bloody freezing here today so I'm glad to be at home. ^^

  • Hello all,

    I researched this with one of my students today.

    Today Friday, is a school holiday , commemorating the death (shot in the back) of General Martin Guemes (1785 to 1821), who played a major part in the liberation of Argentina from the Royalists.

    Here is a link to a 1942 film 'La guerra gaucha,

    IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034820/

    You tube:

    Just to point out if I may, salaried employees in Argentina have 3 weeks paid holiday per year, rising after 5 years service....

    so even with 20 working days of public holiday per year, that is less than the European average of 5 weeks holiday plus public holidays...

    It is hot and sunny here in central France, there has been an influx of hot air from the Sahara over Spain, and now here. Spain and Portugal are suffering water shortages.

    I have been working in the garden....

    100 sq metres with 147 plants of 'Mossgreen' honeysuckle. There is an automatic watering system and plenty of bark chippings.

    The family from Misiones will be here in August, so busy busy busy....


  • Hello,

    How many national holidays are observed in France?

    Des jours de congé offerts par l'État pour célébrer des fêtes chrétiennes, des fêtes civiles et les commémorations des deux grandes Guerres Mondiales. Chaque année, 11 jours sont traditionnellement fériés en France.

    So that is 11 days, no longer counting Ascension, which is now a day of national solidarity, helping old folks like myself....


  • The US now has 11 federal holidays, after adding Juneteenth in 2021, which “commemorates the final emancipation of enslaved people in the United States on June 19, 1865, following the end of the Civil War.

  • I found this thread before starting a new one. I wanted to know what today's and tomorrow's holidays are for. The wife's still in bed and gets grumpy if disturbed.

    Looks like one is for Belgrano, what's the other one for? A holday ''for no reason at all''.

  • Isn't it Flag Day? The number of holidays is crazy and if I'm not mistaken Argentina has amongst the highest number in the world.

    All is for becoming popular and win votes. A number of holidays marks a trend in decadence of a country, i remember the PANEM ET CIRCENSES in the last centuries of the Roman Empire