Sí señor, el nombre de su hija es demasiado largo

There are 2 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 302 times. The latest Post () was by SpaceNut.

  • A Spanish Duke, I didn't know they had them still, was ordered to shorten the name of his daughter, because it was too long


    The name the Duke gave to his daughter, Sofía Fernanda Dolores Cayetana Teresa Ángela de la Cruz Micaela del Santísimo Sacramento del Perpetuo Socorro de la Santísima Trinidad y de Todos Los Santos.

    Just imagine if he'd been able to keep the name, and the daughter was getting married...

    "Do you Sofía Fernanda Dolores Cayetana Teresa Ángela de la Cruz Micaela del Santísimo Sacramento del Perpetuo Socorro de la Santísima Trinidad y de Todos Los Santos.....", I think the priest would be too tired to completed the rest of the ceremony

  • This is hilarious, SpaceNut . Actually, I’ve always wondered how Argentines who use long family names, and women who use husbands’ as well as fathers’ surnames, keep the names of ensuing generations from becoming too long.

    One couple we know use family names - 2 each - Maria AB, married to Juan CD. If their child marries someone who also uses 2 family names, how do they decide which of the 4 names to drop? Or do they use all four? Or do they keep only one parent’s two names? Or is it all optional? Or none of the above?

  • This is hilarious, SpaceNut . Actually, I’ve always wondered how Argentines who use long family names, and women who use husbands’ as well as fathers’ surnames, keep the names of ensuing generations from becoming too long.

    One couple we know use family names - 2 each - Maria AB, married to Juan CD. If their child marries someone who also uses 2 family names, how do they decide which of the 4 names to drop? Or do they use all four? Or do they keep only one parent’s two names? Or is it all optional? Or none of the above?

    I've seen that with Spanish and Portuguese names as well, I'm baffled by it as well, but this Duke was probably taking the p.i.s.s. about the amount of names they call their children