Dollarization Scenarios for Argentina
Some scenarios for the peso and dollarization after the elections on Sunday
There are 6 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 685 times. The latest Post () was by UK Man.
I generally like BowtiedMara’s posts, but this one seem to merely repeat the theoretical solutions.
I often wonder if there IS an actual solution to the economy’s woes.
I'd say no. I suspect they have 1001 far more important things to sort out first.
I often wonder if there IS an actual solution to the economy’s woes.
There are solutions. If I were in charge the retail sector would be the first to get my size 10 boot up their arse.
If I was in charge I'd shove 'em all in a stainless steel cage in the middle of Plaza de Mayo wearing nothing but their underwear and spray them with freezing cold water, constantly, until they repented for their heinous sins.
Oh hang on, someone else already thought of that!
I was having déjà vu as I read the Plaza de Mayo scene.
Steve Forbes makes the case for dollarizing now, not later:
Might as well give it a go as nowt else seems to be working.