Explore the evolution of beer, from Stone Age sludge to craft brews
(And then take the quiz -)
There are 5 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 436 times. The latest Post () was by UK Man.
(And then take the quiz -)
9000 year old beer cups from China? Well I have no idea.
But I did know that the Sumerians were bang at it 3000 years ago in Mesopotamia.
Most people are more familiar with Egyptological ancient history but Akkadian and Sumerian history in Mesopotamia isn't just older but a lot more interesting.
Again, most people think Pythagoras discovered the theory a^2 +b^2 =c^2 but the Mesopotamians wrote about it 1000 years earlier and used it to plan farmland etc.
Clever feklers.
9000 year old beer cups from China? Well I have no idea.
But I did know that the Sumerians were bang at it 3000 years ago in Mesopotamia.
Most people are more familiar with Egyptological ancient history but Akkadian and Sumerian history in Mesopotamia isn't just older but a lot more interesting.
Again, most people think Pythagoras discovered the theory a^2 +b^2 =c^2 but the Mesopotamians wrote about it 1000 years earlier and used it to plan farmland etc.
Clever feklers.
Bloody hell, you know your stuff!
I decided about 3 years ago I should learn something about Egypt. I've never been but there's clearly quite a bit of interest knocking around about the place and the pyramids. It was through that process that I found that ancient Iraq/Mesopotamian history was way more interesting and I worked my way through half a dozen books or so on the subject, plus a visit to the British Museum which has some incredible artefacts from there.
With Oktoberfest in full swing, it’s time to read about OKTOBERFEST’S BEER-SOAKED HISTORY, EXPLAINED.
My own first memories of Munich’s Oktoberfest include not just the husky barmaids delivering 8 enormous maßkrugs in her 2 hands, but also my first flea circus (yes they do exist, not just in cartoons!).