I love the sound of rain drops pattering on the roof. It's so relaxing.

Relaxing videos
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Used to hate it when camping.
Here I worry that it might get heavier and start a roof leak!!
Used to hate it when camping.
Here I worry that it might get heavier and start a roof leak!!
Same here. I patrol the house during a thunderstorm monsoon.
Same here. I patrol the house during a thunderstorm monsoon.
Strangely my fix for our leaky roof couldn't have been more simple. Despite all my patching and painting with some white product that hardens the bloody leak persisted. Then I remembered something the missus told me years ago. An old guy told her to go down the length of the corrugated tin sheet joints with a hammer and thump them. This I did which loosened a lot of dirt that came out of them. I brushed it away and several storms later havent had a leak.
If these fellows had been Argentine, they'd have been crying their eyes out!
It's a beautiful anthem by the way!
And Hendrix of course...
Not my favorite renditions….