A question about residency trámite....

There are 6 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 1,142 times. The latest Post () was by AWorldView.

  • Good morning everyone.

    I am assisting my friend and neighbor with her solicitation for pensioner visa; for which she qualifies. All documents were submitted months ago. Yet, her trámite labors on in its 10th month. Her precarias have expired. Going to Migración on Antártida for answers was futile, so we went to Migración on Hipólito Yrigoyen for results only slightly better than futile.

    On Monday, checking RADEX, we noticed a status change from "TRAMITE EN PROCESO DE SUPERVISION" to "DISPOSICIÓN DE RESIDENCIA PROTOCOLIZADA". As many things are open to interpretation here, I would like to ask if anyone is aware what the term "DISPOSICIÓN DE RESIDENCIA PROTOCOLIZADA" actually means, process wise, in Migración-speak? Argentino friends believe that it means she's been approved with a DNI now being prepared for mailing.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Months? All I can say is that is really scary. I was told it was easy to get a visa in Argentina compared to Colombia.

    Protocolizada sounds like the application was legalized or notarized.

    And iIheard that the migraciones/ cancillería offices were really open and easy to access and good at answering questions.

    Maybe try different migraciones offices. Keep trying.

  • Elex, thanks for your response. I'll let people know, when there is a resolution. I've just been informed that the term means that there is now a protocol in place for something new which we must do, because we were not previously advised of its necessity.

    I lived in the Eje Cafetero region of Colombia for five years. The Colombia process was exponentially simpler as it's straightforward and as Migración quickly responded to requests for information.

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    Small world. I live in the EJE Cafetria, Manizales, have been in Manizales over 6 years (2 times) and been in Colombia 11 years total.

    I wonder how long ago you lived there ? It sure isnt simple now.

    I can tell you in the last 8 to 10 years the visa process in Colombia has gotten infinitely more complicated, with the new rsolution last year October being the last big change.

    There are way more requirements than for Argentina, besides, income statements (which have higher thresholds than in Argentina) beingapostilled and translated , 6 months bank statements are required , you need an expensive emergency medical travellers insurance including repatriation, a medical and psychological exam, and all kinds of hidden things the Cancillería comes up with a the last minute .

    And for Canadians it is espescially bad, because we didnt sign the Hague convention, no Apostille, so the legalization process of documents takes 6 weeks minimum, as it is held up with the Feds Depertment of External affairs for a month. 8 years ago I could get it all done in 3 hours in Calgary, notarized and visit the consulate.

    To make matters worse, there is absolutely no communication with canciilleria, other than a form letter, and in my case (which has been the same for the last 3 years), they sit on the case for a month, and then ask stupid questions. The documents are outdated after 3 months , so they then either make you start over , or pay a fee to continue the process.

    The last few times when I tried for my Rentista visa, they delayed so much, I had to get salvacondutos, one case twice.

    This recent time , when I was renewing my visa, the delayed a full month until the last minute, and then wanted proof that I had paid 12% of my visa stated income to their crappy government health care system, which I dont even use. A totally new thing for me and my Visa agent (who was supposedly helping me.)I dont even know if that is a legal requirement. Anyway, I left lots of time for the process, but it got delayed so much, it ran into my trip to Europe, so I told them to put t where the sun dont shine.

    Spending a couple thousands dollars and putting your life on hold for 4 months , talking to lawyers and agents who know nothing, and collecting multiple documents to be legalized and translated in Canada for a crappy one year visa?When you can stay in the country 6 months on a passport anyway? What a waste!!

    So that is why I am looking for somewhere else.

    I was told by a lady in Mendoza that the migraciones offices handle the visas directly, unlike in Colombia, where the process is done by the Cancilleria in Bogota, behind close doors, no direct communication allowed, only by form letter. I was also told, they were easiliy approachable, you could go right in and talk t them, ask them about the visa requirements, and Visa status, and a lawyer wasnt needed.

    Well your post tells me otherwise.

    The good part is, doesnt seem that the Argentinian Migraciones/Cancilleria or who ever is responsible , will cancell your application after the legalized documents past the 3 month period after issue or signing.

    Well, if it looks like I will be having the same issues as your friend, I might be looking at Mexico and Ecuador as well.

    So, people say things are easy, based on ancient experience, or from hear-say, but when push comes to shove, things dont turn out that way.

    Here is a question for you and others. Can You travel in and out of the country while your Visa is being processed? In Colombia you cant.

  • Elex, I was in Quindio for the incredible natural beauty and obtained residency prior to the new rules, which I understand to be excessively tedious. The immigration attorney I use in Colombia is a German in Medellin. He is excellent. If you want his info, let me know.

    Regarding Argentina, the specific issues are:

    (a). Using a state apostille for the FBI check instead of a U.S. State Dept. apostille.

    They both attest to the document's veracity but using different language. The state apostille actually guarantees the integrity of the letter's content whereas the federal apostille does not; it only verifies the signature, title and stamp of the FBI letter. However, even though she has an Argentina lawyer helping, it is pointless arguing with Migración any more than with cement so, we have requested a new federal apostille.

    (b.) Not being able to verify (apostille) her unsigned Social Security letter.

    The state apostille verifies her letter's content but Migración won't accept it. They want the U.S. Embassy to verify the content, despite her receiving an embassy email stating that the embassy doesn't authenticate U.S. documents. Our Argentino trámite facilitator assures us that we can get someone at the embassy to sign her Social Security letter. He's been assisting foreigners with Argentina visas for +20 years, so I believe him. We'll schedule an embassy appointment to request a Social Security letter and ask that it please be signed. If you want, I'll give you Ismael's contact information. Perhaps he can help you as a Canadian.

    As far as being able to travel internationally during trámite, absolutely, IF you have a precaria. Hers has expired. On 27 JULY a Migración employee said she could travel freely inter-Argentina using her passport. He said she could leave Argentina during trámite by paying a small overstay fine upon exit and that she'd be allowed to return since her trámite is ongoing and visible to airport Migración officers. I though am not comfortable with that. In my opinion, Migración are generally quarrelsome, petty and capricious. We will ask Ismael to obtain a precaria to facilitate a desired trip abroad.

    Our lesson learned in all of this is to use a visa facilitator in lieu of an attorney. Ours has significantly more experience than the attorney and has people to run around the city for stamps, translations and legalizations. And he knows Migración employees.

    I hope that this long-winded reply is helpful. It's our situation and others may have a different view. Good luck.

  • Thanks for info. DE

    I am already intending to set up an apointment with both Christoph Möller and Langdon Law in Medellin in September, to see what my options are, and to see if it makes any sense trying for a Visa in Colombia one last time.

    As far as the police report, I will have spent 85% of my time in Colombia in the last 5 years, so hopefully an apostilled Colombian police report is good enough for Argentina.

    In regards to your friends SS letter having to be approved by the US embassy, this seems very odd, but I have heard about similar situations with Argentinian embassies.

    I have heard it is easier and quicker getting a Visa in Mendoza than Buenas Aires. I dont know this is true, it seems odd as well.

  • Can I please get your visa facilitator?

    How did things go, did they improve?

    I'm smiling that both you & Elex STILL have a sense of humor when dealing with this (fill in the blank). I feel your pain.