I remember visiting Harrods back in 74-76. It was quite something.
Harrods Display in MALBA
There are 4 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 498 times. The latest Post (
Who actually owned the Harrod in Argentina? - there was trade mark court case that went on for years and then the Argies went bankrupt.
July 29, 2023 at 5:40 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Harrods' Display in MALBA” to “Harrods Display in MALBA”. -
Do you know how long it is scheduled to be at MALBA? As I recall, they change temporary exhibits rather quickly. But I hope this one stays around through September so we can see it.
Interesting that the food and drinks list spells Malbec with a final “k.”
I wonder if the exhibit contains those beautiful signs.
I may as well go all in on this topic and so here's a few recent pics whilst I was down that end of town on my way to Jorge Louis Borges' apartment which is close by.
The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available. The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available. The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available. Indeed, it's a shadow of its former self and there was a rumour that a developer had bought it.