Obviously no surprise whatsoever that the 'real' leader of Argentina completely bypassed the actual meaning of this important day, usurping it with a speech that every despot and dictator would be proud of.
Here are some takeaways from yesterday's event in Plaza de Mayo:
Her husband, Nestor came to power 20 years ago with low inflation, loads of reserves in the central bank, but what she doesn't mention is that when she left, it was quite the opposite.
Interviewed by TV stations, most of her devoted fans said that they would do anything she asked. Anything.
La Campora owned Plaza de Mayo and were actually blocking access to it, thus controlling - illegally - the public right of way.
'God help us if we return to a Macri style government.' or words to that effect.
With her loyal puppies standing behind her - Massa, Kiciloff, Maximo, Wado de Pedro etc, no clear definition of the upcoming elections was forthcoming.