Italy calls a crisis meeting after pasta prices jump 20%
Italian officials are investigating why macaroni prices have risen by more than twice the rate of the country's overall inflation.
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Hyper inflation in Italy.......
At least they know how to cook it.
Unlike Argentinians.
Thats nasty but true.
the only country in the world where you can get well done pasta....
Curiously, they overcook pasta, but undercook ravioli.
They are supposed to be tender and not as hard as they serve them here. I think they put too much flour in the dough and also make the dough too thick.
The quality of the ravioli prevously packaged in the Suermarkets is tasteless. Only you have good ravioli in special pasta stores. And even not all of them.
I am longing for the good ravioli made with spinach one day after, by hand, done by my grandmother. Now all the people forgot or does not like to work in the kitchen,as it was many years ago.
The quality of the ravioli prevously packaged in the Suermarkets is tasteless. Only you have good ravioli in special pasta stores. And even not all of them.
I am longing for the good ravioli made with spinach one day after, by hand, done by my grandmother. Now all the people forgot or does not like to work in the kitchen,as it was many years ago.
Carlos , where would you recommend to buy fresh ravioli? I have tried a few stores in my neighborhood, but they all were a disappointment.
Carlos , where would you recommend to buy fresh ravioli? I have tried a few stores in my neighborhood, but they all were a disappointment.
I use to purchase ravioli in Vicente Lopez, very close to the Railway station, the name of the shop is La Sarita, Roca street, 70 m from the railway line, in a very attractive urban place, usually with many people sitting and having a snack or a lunch, They have sheets of 48 ravioli with different fillings, Each sheet is about Pesos 800.
Other places seems to be La Juvenil, which is a franchising net, but I never went there.
If you want an excellent pastry shop, with all classes of sweet facturas, and magnificent miga sandwiches, I recommend La Vicente Lopez, Maipu Avenue 700, with free parking as it is on the Metrobus and you cannot park your car, The parking lot is about 150 meters far.
Miga sandwiches are not very well known in USA. It is similar to your tramezzino, but more substantious,
We buy our ravioli in La Juvenil - they have quite a few branches.
That's going to have a knock on effect on the rest of the world
Argentina is immune to knock on effects.
Carlos, you are making me want both spinach ravioli and mugs sandwiches, which I love!
We buy our ravioli in La Juvenil - they have quite a few branches.
I would endorse GlasgowJohn in the choice of La Juvenil although my actual favourite is Milena which have several branches in CABA
Argentina is immune to knock on effects.
That's lucky for you
Carlos, you are making me want both spinach ravioli and mugs sandwiches, which I love!
We shall have those delicacies when you will come here,
Can’t wait!
I'm not a fan of any type of pasta. I do eat it just to keep the missus happy though.
I like a nice spaghetti Bolognese. I usually make a huge saucepan full of the sauce, throwing in anything that comes to hand - mushrooms, olives, green/red peppers etc and then freeze what's left for several meals for the following weeks. It's a great way to save money and I'm also a fan of cold pasta with milk and sugar!
I like a nice spaghetti Bolognese. I usually make a huge saucepan full of the sauce, throwing in anything that comes to hand - mushrooms, olives, green/red peppers etc and then freeze what's left for several meals for the following weeks. It's a great way to save money and I'm also a fan of cold pasta with milk and sugar!
I also make and freeze a batch of spagbol sauce. Trouble is the missus doesn't likr minced beef in hers so she makes her own.
Just the thought of cold pasta with milk and sugar has me
spagbol - big pot full- and then frozen into individual portions in tupperwares
Minced beef and whatever might be in the fridge....
Meat balls and sausages, Clemenza?