The challenges ahead for building a better future for all citizens on a shrinking planet. Henry Giroux is one of the worlds imminent intellectuals. His words are grounding and encouraging.…ice-of-freedom/
More of that "neo" stuff
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That could have been written as an ode to the Kirchnerites.
It is disheartening to see such blatant greed and incompetent individuals not only making policy but getting off the hook when their caught red handed stealing. Makes watching a telenovella seem like child's play. Another highly insightful person I follow regarding the banking derivatives fiascos is Ellen Brown. She's way above my pay scale, but she breaks it down for us novice readers.
Thanks, Gary Kipher . I’ll read the Giroux article and probably should learn from Ellen Brown about the derivative situation as well, but it’s so depressing - -
Rice, Wall Street on Parade, is another hold no punches site.
May I ask a question?
The prefix "Neo" in Spanish refers to a new episode, a new version, etc.
In what sense do you call a thing "neo stuff"?
I need to be updated with the idiomatic expressions of nowadays English sepaking people.
Carlos, I only used the expression more 'neo stuff' in reference to a comment Bombonera made in regards to a post I entered about neocolonialism.…l-debt-history/ His comment was....more neo stuff. It still means exactly as you describe. I was being flipant.
Thank you, now I see that the prefix has the same sense in both languages,
Yes it does Carlos. You've probably deduced from my post I'm not a fan of Hayek or Friedman economic models. But that only applies to Estado Unidos economists. I have not the historical insight or the depth of knowledge to comment on your countries situational reality. But I will say Javier's latest statement about the el cambio is mickey mouse. For the love of Pete(Norte idiom) the list of peso types.....the rock band the Clash summoned it up succinctly. "Should I stay, or should I go now. If I stay there might be trouble. If I leave it might be double." My apologies for being autodidactic.